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Image Comments posted by davecenter


    Unfortunately, I can't seem to find the main idea driving this photo. I don't really see any particular creative framing or have my eye being led through the photo. A good attempt, but you really needed something to draw me in. Perhaps a different angle would have helped.

    Urban Chaos

    This is a very interesting shot. I really like what you were going for here. However, I find the second from the front piece of metal to be incredibly distracting from the image as a whole. It keeps leading me into the corner of the picture, rather than channel me through the image. I would probably recommend having made a different piece the focal point. All in all however, very interesting.


    This almost reminds me of spider legs reaching out. I have to say, I hate spiders...but I really like this shot. Crisp, good light, and great depth of field. I would have liked the bricks on the building a bit sharper, but, all in all, good shot.
  1. I have some mixed feelings about this on.e Some excellent sharpness in different areas of scene. However, there is that "smudge" in the bottom right corner that is completely out of place. In addition, the sky feels a little washed out. However, all in all, it is definitely an imposing view.
  2. Thanks for the comment Robert.


    I agree with both of your critiques. Unfortunately, it was one of those shots that I wasn't paying close attention to and, once I got it home, realized that I hadn't filled the corner properly. However, the colors came out so well that I wanted to post it.


    As for the sharpness, I was shooting handheld that day and I was having a lot of difficulty getting the lens to focus properly. It seems that that particular lens has very poor sharpness fully open while at the longest focal lengths.


    Regardless, thank you again for the critique.




    This...is fantastic. I find this picture both mystically dreamy and truly inspiring at the same time. The shack on the lake gives a feeling of impossibility while the sun peaking over the mountains makes me want to get out there and do something. I love it. One of my favorites. :)
  3. Interesting and unique shot. I'm curious however, why did you shoot this in b&w and not color?. I feel that color really would have better expressed this shot. Nevertheless, good sharpness and contrast. I'm not that fond of square exposures, but it helps to really show the full expansiveness.
  4. Gary,

    The reason for the overexposure is that I wanted to really isolate this part of the dunes. I wasn't concerned with the rest of the landscape, I just used if for an expansive view.


    The purpose for the cardboard effect was to better isolate and establish the figure against the more misty sand. It's possible I didn't actually achieve what I wanted, but in my mind, the cardboard effect only heightens the distinction between the figure and his surroundings.


    I hope that explains your questions somewhat Gary.


    Peter, thanks for your comment. I personally like the rough effect as well!

  5. I would agree with the above comment. The blown-out sky doesn't hurt the composition at all. As for fixing the sky, you can either post-edit or buy a decent polarizer. Personally, I find filters a big help.


    As for your photograph, I absolutely love the strong vertical lines with the fence meandering across the photo. Exceptional clarity and good colors. A well-done shot all the way around!

  6. Incredible. At first I was awed by the mystical evanescence of the water, but as I stared at it, my eyes were continually drawn to the impassiveness of the lighthouse. Simply amazing. An easy 7/7

    Kingley Vale

    Good attempt with a difficult subject. The placement of the tree in the lower left corner helps, but the photo still lacks life or interesting content. Perhaps a bit mroe extreme angle of view (tree RIGHT in your face) or more color would help. Unfortunately, the picture isn't nearly as sharp as it should be and these are difficult colors to make interesting. Nevertheless, it's a decent attempt for such an unwieldly subject.
  7. Well, I know the horizontal lines aren't perfect in this picture.

    Unfortunately, I wasn't paying attention when I took the shot.

    However, I would greatly appreciate any comments about the photograph.





    Thank you all for the kind and encouraging comments.

    I wish I could have replied to all before, but I was out of town without an internet connection so naturally this was impossible.

    Yes this image is a composite. I have absolutely no problems with photoshopping. This image is completely natural, colors, sky, etc., as a result of filters. Only the moon was added for visual effect. I did not mention it in the technical details, and that was my fault. I certainly wasn't trying to grey any details, I simply just did not think to mention it. Once again, thank you all for the comments. I appreciate them a lot!


    Dana: Any implications were entirely a result of neglect, not purposeful misleading. I appreciate your comment, but I believe your appraisal is a bit harsh. As for the size of the moon, I specifically left it at that size for visual effect. Thanks again!


    I really like the softness of the water. Great job on getting the perfect shutter spped. I'm curious however as to where you took your light meter reading. Unfortunately the water took on a really gray look. Also, a little more saturation would really help the trees to stand out against the water. But all in all, its a great shot! Keep them coming.
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