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Image Comments posted by teckboon

    Margraten II


    i think whats important is what the shot means to you. for example, i think some people will say the sky's overexposed, or it seems a little hazy. but i think it all adds up to an effect that makes the shot special and unique in its own way. i think its nice. =)


    just a thought!



    i think she'll be able to find somewhere to hang it! =) hee hee. was looking at your shots and mine, the quality is really different, even if the image has been reduced in size. that camera does take really sharp photos!


    would love to drop by your place sometime and take a look at the entire collection you have!


    thanks christine! my only disappointment with the shot is that its not as sharp as i want it to be. but that the problem i face constantly with the need for a large F number when the light isnt so good!



    thanks guys, alec is really good at this. i'm really lucky to get to tag along cos jessica happens to be my girlfriend! =) i'll do my best to learn as much as i can from him, and hopefully by then i'll get a nice L lense to take photos with!


    thanks again for the positive comments!


    hi, i'm new at this too. =) i think its a nice composition, but maybe the light on the lady's face closer to the camera can be better? then we'll be able to see the expression on her face! just a thought!!!
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