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Posts posted by william_pride

  1. <p>I have a 70-200mm Canon lens that seems to be out of focus by 6-8". It is 4-5 years old and has done a majority of my wedding & portrait work.<br>

    I've not dropped the lens and I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this?<br>

    I may send it back to the factory for adjustment, has anyone done this & what were the results?</p>



  2. Very encouraging answers! Exactly what I wanted to hear.


    The last couple weddings, I've had people ask about images and just didn't have a good answer, so I direct them to the B/G, knowing that not every B/G may not have time to send the images to everyone. This should give the guests an opportunity to purchase images of their family.


    I was also wondering how many images you post per wedding? I usually deliver 500 images / DVD. I was thinking 100 images???


    I like the idea of linking their wedding images directly to the smugmug site. That would allow people to review the wedding pictures quickly. And the chance to purchase.


    Your replies are most appreciated and it sounds like a no brainer...


    Thanks so much!

  3. Normally our wedding package is to shoot the entire day, burn images to DVD and ship it to the bride (about 2

    weeks after wedding). The system works well and keeps overheads low.


    However, I believe that when I'm shooting a large group of guests at a wedding, I may be missing sales because

    the guests may never see the images - because the bride doesn't share the images in a timely fashion.


    Every event i have people ask about the images - be it, the image I just took of their family member or images in



    I'm wondering if anyone else delivers digital negatives to the family -AND- offers images for sale on the web?



    With the cost of smugmug / yr = $150/year -


    how quickly are you able to recoup costs?


    Do your customers like the service?


    Does your online sales (smugmug.com) increase yearly?



    Thanks! Keith

  4. 70-200mm lens is very nice. Allows you to get close-ups from across the room without influencing the subject. And when you buy the best lens available... they are very easy to sell.

    Everyone wants an "L". If you use it for 3 years and sell it for $200 less than you paid... Well, you can't rent it for that price.

    That's something a Tamron can't do.


    Good Luck,


  5. Hello,


    I use a Canon 5D as my primary camera and the back-up is an old "Rebel". The

    Rebel works fine, but I'm afraid that if I had to use it, I'd really be

    disappointed with the results (image sizes).


    Wedding season has just started and I'd love to be using a newly upgraded 5D,

    but it looks like it will be Fall '08 before it's replaced!


    The 1DS Mark III is just too expensive ($8k), so I'm thinking about skipping the

    5D upgrade and buying the 1DS Mark II (16.7mp). Used prices are under $5K.


    Just curious if wedding photographers like them and your thoughts on the Mark II

    vs. 5D? Comments appreciated.





  6. They set up multiple (2-3) camera's at the best angles. Can't blame them for

    that, I'd like to be in 2-3 spots at once myself.


    The problem is that there is only so many places to get the shot (the kiss... or

    whatever) and if video person is shooting the same angle, the opposite and at a

    90 degree... grrr

    I end up with too many shots featuring his head, equipment, partner...


    Thinking about screening clients that plan on using them. Just pass on the wedding.

    Why should I spend time PSing them out of an important shot, the last wedding, I

    didn't. Gee whiz, I didn't hire him.


    And then there is the reception. Those blinding video lights x3, Now "I" have to

    move again. I feel like the video people are "trump" because they are set up on

    tripods and I'm mobile.


    One last complaint (ha!) They show-up hours after I do and leave before me!


    Ok - I'm done - Feel better

  7. Nadine,


    1600. Wow. I rarely shoot above 400. I'm playing with the camera and there is a HUGE difference in light needed. Of course you knew that, but I didn't realize...


    I once shot a bridal @ 800 (pure accident) on an old Canon Rebel. When I viewed the images on my PC at 100%, they didn't look very good. Definite grain.


    Suppose there is a MAJOR difference between the old Rebel and the 5D in this respect?


    If you shoot weddings with a 5D... Do you (without hesitation) crank it up to 800-1600? If so, man... life just got easier, and that ain't right!



  8. Nadine,


    Thanks for that old tread. That's exactly what I was looking for.


    I *should* crank up the iso (and will). I believe I'll do some more practicing with my existing equipment.


    I guess it's better to have an image "slightly grainy" vs. underexposed.


    Thank you!



  9. I have a Canon 5D w/ 580ex flash. The 580 seems to lose pepper (bouncing) on 15'

    ceilings. I'm thinking about a Quantum QFlash (150 w/s) and wondering:


    1) Can the Quantum QFlash mount (or can be mounted) on the Canon 5D?


    2) Is there a significant difference in output between the 580EX and QFlash?


    3) If you have experience with both.. What's your opinion?





  10. Mariah,


    I like the advise & agree. I try to get plenty of guest shots. They may not be the "best of", but at least we'll have record of the attendees. Sometimes they make the BEST photos of the night.


    I like getting shots as they dance or while they are talking. I normally have time to get a half decent shot of everyone (for the most part).


    Flattering is sometimes hard. I think it depends on the person. Example: If wedding is focused on bride... and bride isn't... well, exactly lady like during the evening. It's tough. I want to focus on her big night, but sometimes the images just aren't FLATTERING.


    I usually just read the posts but after reading what people said, I kinda felt bad for what people said.


    Tough Crowd indeed.


    I'm sure many silent people appreciated it.



  11. Aaron - Thanks for review.


    1) Fixed the blank page breaks (was using them to hide 2 links, but I guess more people noticed them than I had figured!)


    2) Broken link... Didn't know about that one. good job.


    3) Sounds like a good time to get rid of my photo tips/ad's. They really had no place on this site. Also getting rid of BMX ad's.


    4) Engagement $ - Ya think? Probably so.


    5) You're meaning it should be listed as fairmontphotography.com/debbie.htm ? - If so, I use WV Wedding.htm to help SERPs index & they send visitors searching for "WV Wedding's", rather than "Debbie's"


    6) Sure enough, Tiffanys picture had no link. Thanks again.

    Appreciate the review. Obviously should have double checked everything!


    Ryan -

    Hopefully I've made navigation more consistant. The random pictures below were an old project that I kept putting off. Now they are eliminated... Thanks!


    Bas -

    Thanks! that was first thing I decided. Fast loading (for dial-ups) and easy navigation. Agreed on the wedding price package colors... Changed it to grey & white.


    Brandon -


    1) I'm not sure I agree the site is "all over the place".

    2) Aesthetics.. Not sure what to say.

    3) On creating page names - I'm pretty sure that makes no difference. I have many pages that get a good google rank using both.

    4) Blank spaces on front page - Thanks, yep knew about it (see above). I've fixed it.


    Thanks & I'll continue to watch for reply's



  12. Used the pliers & bent/broke it off. Lense threads "look" ok. Probably, ever so gently, thread another filter on & see if they are damaged.


    The outside of the filter (part with name, size...etc) actually broke as I bent it. The brass threads (which are seperate & threaded onto the main body) bent & allowed the filter to be unscrewed.


    In any case, it wasn't much fun twisting a 1/2 lb chunk of steel with all your might... and being only 3/16" from your glass!


    Thanks again... kp<div>00Fszi-29209384.jpg.854a34646994a479b50683a31c7c2515.jpg</div>

  13. I've cleaned the lense & shot a dozen shots. It "appears" that it is working fine. I'll continue testing it. AF works.


    Tried the vise, but I belive I didn't tighten it enough, as it slipped. I think I'm afraid to put to much pressure on it.


    Right now I have a heavy duty pliers and I'm going to try to bend it off. So far the brass filter ring is slightly bending and the lense itself isn't.


    I picture myself as the cowardly lion holding my tail, and repeating... "I'll never drop a lense, I'll never drop a lense..."


    I may end up sending it off & checked out. It would probably make me feel better. I guess B&H does repair work? I haven't even looked.


    Shoulda been a scarecrow!



  14. Dropped my lense and it broke filter glass and slightly bent the

    filter ring. I finished removing glass & cannot get the old brass

    filter ring off. Put it in the fridge... etc tried everything I've

    read here. Even drilled a hole in the side & used a screwdriver &

    small hammer to drive it off. Nothing.


    Should I try using a set of pliers & bend it off... I know the filter

    is brass, but I'm not sure what the Canon L lense is made of. I do not

    want to damage the Canon lense threads. Lense is undamaged at this point.



  15. Going to spent 12 days on Maui. I'd appreciate any suggestions on the

    best areas to shoot. Planning on a day with surfers/windsurfers & the

    National Park at sunrise...



  16. Everyone,


    Thanks for your thoughts. You are right, I'm not the one that would lose anything in case of equipment failure & it would be very unfair of me to promise a service... only to fail. It would ruin the event.

    I suppose I could borrow another DSLR & batteries. Concentrate on getting a wide angle, memory and additional flash. I'm going to research more on indoor lighting & practice, practice.


    I really do appreciate everyone who took time to answer my questions. Somethings aren't in books!


    Thanks again!

  17. Yea, I'm fairly new to photography business. So far I've taught myself

    to design my web page (http://www.fairmontphotography.com) &

    advertised my business for very little $ (rely on word of mouth).

    Started with seniors & just accepted a wedding...

    Read many articles on this site & can see I don't have a back-up

    camera, little practice at indoor lighting, not enough memory to shoot

    RAWs, no insurance & this first wedding (July 2006) will have about

    200+ people....

    So in one way I feel I shouldn't even try it - But on the other

    hand... I really believe I can do it. In fact I wish it were tomorrow!

    It's so much fun shooting that I really think it will work out.

    Equipment: EOS 300D, 70-200L IS (2.8), (2) 1G cards.

    My question is: with 6 months to save $ and purchase something else

    for the wedding should I concentrate on 24-70L, another camera or

    something else?

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