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Posts posted by yasmin_berkson

  1. I am so glad some body addressed this problem with the Canon ex 580.

    I also have a d20 and the shots, especially indoors (dark environment) are under exposed.

    I found out flash works well in out door shots as a fill but unortunately I am having a real

    hard time indoors.

    I met a wedding photographer the other day and he suggested that I use Program mode

    while I am shooting out doors and Manuel for indoors and also suggested ( for M mode)

    to keep the Iso at 100, Shutter at between 70 to 90 and apt. between 5.6- 8.

    I had a real bad time with this flash. On the other hand my old Olympus e 20 always gave

    me great exposure all times.

    It is very disappointing. I also find It takes a a long time to recharge between shots and If

    you are a bit to quick your second shot or third becomes really under exposed.

    If any body out there can help. I would VERY much appreciate it.

    I do weddings and I dont have much time to fiddle with the settings. I can not rely on this

    flash indoors because of this reason I set my studio equipment to take pictures of large


    I also suggest if you are using d 20 for any professional work do take another camera with

    you. It locked up on a shoot. I had to send it to the factory to be fixed.

    The camera is only six months old.

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