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Posts posted by rik_lowette

  1. thanks for your answers: I'll start first to use a good lens cap(had just purchased one on ebay size 90mm from canon-origin) and see where

    it gets me: notify these are the maximum dimensions in width the original linhof case can take(PC612+SA65/6.5+center filterIIIa+cap)!!

    I'll be obliged by practical reasons to try it out this way...

    thanks again for all your answers, it's always nice to see there are different ways of solving a problem....!!!!

  2. I would like to protect my center filter schneider kreuznach IIIa mounted on

    the super-angulon 65/5.6 of my linhof PC612: could anyone help me in advising me

    on the dimensions of this filter(86mm?type?.....) I think this could be useful

    in the protection of this valuable thing but perhaps will influence image

    quality (reflexions?)???anyone who has asked himself the same questions and

    found a solution?(I did the same with my xpanII first mounting the center

    filter and then the standard uv filter so...)thanks for answering me

  3. thanks to all of you for your usefull comments; i can tell you i got myself a second hand linhof 612 SA65/5.6; i plan to do street work with it, i'm looking forward to try it, since i haven't a center filter (yet), the first pictures will be taken without...hope i can try it on my trip to the castles of the loire aug 21th...thanks again!!!
  4. I'd like to get a bit wiser from anyone who used this camera

    especially with the 65/5.6 super angulon set-up, hwat the pro's are,

    what the con's; why did you buy it for or why did you sell it?is it

    really hand-houldable?what about the smaller apertures, are they

    useable?is a center filter a must(I do mostly color-work)?is the

    viewfinder nice(I carry glasses and therefore I like more a

    rangefinder type camera, by the way do you think this camera would be

    overlapping the work I do with my XPAN or let me rephrase where do

    you position this camera?I love to do street work with 3 different

    types of format:6x6 (pentacon six 4/50 or 2.8/180),xpan24x65,and

    24x36(leicaR SA 21/4 or 4/180),I enjoy the mix of these formats very

    much; could this linhof take a place in "my picture"?or would this be

    to much of the same?thanks already for answering me..

  5. i have my xpanII for about 2years and through the results i've seen

    of this equipment, a beautiful world was revealed to me;the panoramic view mode lets us see what we see with our eyes in our natural mode;

    since i like to document our travelling(mostly city trips in the last years) i've learned (since this is very pleasable in looking to your results in albums afterwards)to use three formats: 6x6 50mm or in 35mm

    21mm(leicaR3 superangulon21), my xpanII 45 in panoramic mode(although

    i had some fears on this in the beginning on its usefullness in cityphotography) and in 35mm or the angenieux 45-90 2.8(usefull in darker situations), or the elmar 180/4 for light telework; this on kodak portra nc (i feel the 160 better than the 400 for the grain

    is a limiting factor in the result since these lenses can give more than the film does);the mix of three formats pleases very much, you learn to think in these formats;i did only colour work until now

    and my photographer who bought especially the mask to be able to make my prints does a mighty job: what i see through my viewfinder of my hassy is the thing i get on my prints with an astonishing contrast;

    by the way my lightmeter does a perfect job...buying the xpan has revealed the slept-in amateur in me!

  6. hi Dmitry,I dont have (yet) a swc but I'm planning to buy one: in order to overcome the problem you mentioned I bought in advance an old voigtlander rangefinder distance meter (testings compared with the distance scale of my x-pan II match perfectly);there are two types,one in feet and one in meters:the one in meters begins at 1 and proceeds to 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.6,1.8,2,2.5,3,4,5,7,20,infinity; it's really small(length 6cm width 2cm height 1.5cm) and i'm planning to use it together with (already bought in advance) the voigtlander VC

    light meter(metering angle comparable to a 90mm lens in 35mmsystems)

    of course i could have used the distance meter and spot light meter

    (extremely accurate)of my x-pan but in that case i should be obliged to take them both and since there is a center filter mounted and the metering is TTL, diafragma settings will have to be recalculated, so..

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