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Posts posted by sherwinjames

  1. I have been using this site only for a short time (since June of this year), but I have quickly realized one strong point - you get what you give. Initially I felt that I wasn't in any way authorized to comment on anyone's work, so I primarily left ratings (although not very much). I did not understand why I wasn't receiving any comments, and I was anxious to learn from my photo mistakes (still am).


    After becoming a little more comfortable with my photos and ability to provide my view points, I started leaving more comments, and thus received more comments myself.


    I must admit that it is nice to get a lot of ratings (good or bad), but it is the comments that I appreciate the most (which I receive mostly from those individuals that I comment on).


    Here's an idea, maybe there should be a section of the Critique Forum page of randomly selected photos (submitted for critique) from any point in time - not just recent, so that photos have a potentional for a little more visibility.


    I still like this site and what it stands for. I definetely have not outgrown it.

  2. I think that this site is wonderful, both in concept and in execution.

    I am fairly new to photography, so I am by no means an expert. I

    primarily use this site as a learning vehicle as I expand my

    photography skills.


    As such, I was wondering if there is a more effective way for me to

    elicit more critiques for my submitted photos. If anyone has any

    thoughts on this, please share.

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