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max cooper

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Image Comments posted by max cooper


    Love this photo. Stark composition, great atmosphere, and I really dig the slight curve to the horizon. There is some banding from the scanner that should probably be dealt with.



    Good lord.


    This photo isn't sharp. Look at the fingers. There's little detail in the hair, the model is leaning, and the background is distracting.


    This is photo.net, not fineass.net, and I for one am tired of seeing things like this get a pass because of the subject. There are plenty of hot girls in the world, and many websites dedicated to them in various degrees of nudity. What about the photography?


    Furthermore, I'm sick of hearing about how nude figure studies are art, and somehow elevated above common erotica/porn, when the reactions on this forum sound like an obscene phone call.


    Massimo, I think you've got a very decent shot here. My harsh critique is for everyone else.


    Well seen and well captured, but the very heavy-handed dodging and burning is a major distraction. Maybe do some research on how to apply very specific masks via channel selection.

    Love story


    Visually it's stunning, but I agree with Casper that it requires the viewer to suspend disbelief. The man and woman are obviously pasted from other images, her dress looks too big for her body, the lighting on his legs is much harder than the lighting on her torso. The shadows don't work with the soft light in the rest of the image. The tree in the background is pretty sharp, in spite of the soft focus on everything else but the couple.


    If those kinds of things don't bother you, it's very striking. Caught my eye from the front page.

    clouds and palms

    A nice minimal composition. I'd like to see a little more dynamic range (the clouds could be whiter), and a little more detail in the trunks of the trees.
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