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Posts posted by susan_worsham

  1. i have a prism on top of my mamiya 645, it says auto a-s, av and sp, on the other side it says

    +3+2+1,0 -1,-2,-3, i don't know what any of these mean, but it's set on auto a-s and o , on

    the other side.i got this mamiya pro on ebay 3 years ago, before that i used an old 1960s

    mamiya 645 i bought at a trade show that had a prism, but none of this information on it.

    I can't afford to change my prescription now, so i'll just shoot with my view camera till i can. i

    only use glasses when i shoot , although i should probably use them all the time. i love the

    view camera because i can focus a little easier, but i want the freedom to capture less set up

    moments with my 645. by the way thank you for explaining the diopter.

  2. wai leong lee, thank you, i always wear my glasses,but i think i need a new prescription. what

    is a diopter? if i am shooting at f5.6 then stopping down would be? my models are always so

    still and very patient while i try to focus, i'll usually try to focus on the eyes or lashes. i also

    close one eye. do i need to compensate when stopping down? i use 400 speed film and go by

    my light meter.

  3. i just got two rolls of film back with my mamiya pro 645, all 24 pictures were beautiful, but all had very

    soft focus. since i enlarge to 30 by 40 ,this matters. I have never used autofocus, but am thinking of a

    trade in. the camera is supposed to be a tool, but because i have a slight stigmatism, i feel like it's

    becoming a hindurance to my artform. really i want to be able to see my picture and know that it will

    always be sharp. should i go digital or get a mamiya af, and how easy is autofocus to use? my first time

    looking through my friends pro digital camera, i also had problems focusing.

  4. thank you bill, the sad thing ,or good thing is i have been shooting for quite awhile, and

    actually have a print taken with my camera in the silver eye center for photography's looking

    glass exhibit. hopefully i can afford a tutorial,( hands on tutor) to take me to the next level. i

    have always been scared of technical information,math, ecetera. i just think i need a basic

    light set up to get comfortable with. i'm 37 now, and being a techniphobe isn't doing me any

    good. my other camera is a mamiya 645 pro, but i like the view camera for the large

    negatives. i don't want to buy a digital camera, just because it may be easier for me.i have

    even done some assisting on shoots, but thats not the time to ask questions with a client


  5. thank you all for your posts. this is my first time on this site. if i am focusing on my subject,

    and want more of the background also in focus what kind of lens would i use? i guess to cut

    to the chase what lenses for 4x5 are closeup lenses and which lenses enable you to get

    landscapes or vistas? which lenses are wide angle allowing more of the scene, and which are

    better for closeup? i am one of those fine art photographers, that is completely un technical,

    but a long time ago when i took my first view camera class ,whatever lens i used enabled me

    to get more of the scene.

  6. jen bekman gallery in new york, has their hey hot shot photo contest 4 times a year. It is

    probably the fastest way to get a gallery show in new york. i too was embarking on the same

    mission, and called several galleries first. everyone said the same thing, to have a disc made

    of your work.

  7. i have recently been using a graflex, graphic view camera, with a fujinon.w 1:5.6 / 150 lens. I shoot

    people and their surroundings, and use only available light. this is one of the two lenses that came with

    the camera .i don't know much about lenses, but i am having trouble getting everything in focus. the

    second lens is a much older kodak 7/7 203mm flash supermatic. i know this is a better lens, but can i use

    it without flash? and do i put it on m or f ? my other question is with a view camera what lens should i use

    to get everything in focus like a scene from a movie?

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