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Posts posted by david_taylor15

  1. Hey Newton, not sure what to tell you other than I see no difference in the images on my calibrated Lacie. They both have the same exact look to me. I even (for comparison sake) saved the image you attached to the post and brought it up side-by-side to the foliolink image and there was no difference whatsoever. Not sure what to tell you other than maybe one of sites has a different background color causing a "make believe" color shift in the image?
  2. I need to print some fullsize 8x10's and 11x14's from a 10D without

    having to crop the images. I have heard people discuss adding

    borders around the image in PS to trick the printer (pro lab) into

    printing the full frame image without cropping the image itself. In

    other words, when the printer crops for the 8x10 it is actually

    cropping off the borders (made in PS) rather than the image itself.

    Could someone elaborate on how to achieve this. For instance if i

    want to print the full frame 8x10 or 11x14, how big should the

    canvas in PS be. Any other tips on accomplishing this would be

    greatly appreciated.

  3. I have just purchased a new Lacie 19" IV crt monitor and the

    Colorvision Spyder2 Pro software. I will be calibrating it tonight

    but first wanted to clarify something i wasn't sure of. I can adjust

    the colr balance (temp) on the monitor itself to 6500k, should i do

    this or wait and set it through the calibration process? I guess

    what i am asking is should the color balance be set on display

    (monitor) and hardware? Anyone else who has this setup, if you have

    any advise on the process it would be appreciated.

  4. I have been playing around with shooting some model stuff, mainly

    glamour. I must admit that its much different than what i am used to

    doing (landscapes/nature), and would like to learn more. All my

    pictures seem to come out "flat" looking compared to some others i

    have seen. I came across this website and i would really like to

    know how he achieves this look. Most of his pictures have a really

    nice warm tone to them. Can someone enlighten me on how he does

    this? Is it his lighting, camera, lens, etc...? What am i missing

    here? The link to his page is

    http://www.zackphillips.com/gallery01.html. I am particularly fond

    of how he achieves the look in the photo that is in the 3rd column

    and 5th row down.


    Thanks in advance,


  5. I use Photoshop CS for all my photo editing and shoot in RAW mode. I

    have searched the web for this problem but have not come up with a

    reasonable answer. I shoot in Adobe RGB and work in CS with Srgb due

    to thats the color profile that my lab accepts. I also display a lot

    of my photos on the web. My question/problem is that when i save for

    web and then view them in my browser the colors are a LOT more

    saturated than they were when viewed on the save for web screen. I

    understand that if working in Adobe RGB, i would need to convert to

    sgrb before saving to web but as mentioned, i am already working in

    Srgb. Which color is right, the colors viewed in my browser or the

    colors viewed on the CS save for web screen? Is there a trick or work

    around for this situation? I can also click the View - Monitor Colors

    in CS and this will give me the colors i see in my browser after

    saving but i'm still confused as to which is right. Should i just edit

    all my web pictures with the "Monitor Colors" profile? Any help would

    be appreciated as i'm really cunfused on this subject.



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