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Image Comments posted by agnieszka_pusz


    Nice shot. I like that the picture is black and white. The man add some movement to the photo. I'm going to see your portflio;)


    Czesc!Wlasnie obejrzalam Twoje zdjecia i zdaje sie, ze powinnam byc wdzieczna, ze w ogole sie do mnie odezwales;) Nie bede Ci pisac jak fantastyczne sa Twoje zdjecia, bo mnie sama znudzily wszystkie te zachwyty jakie dostajesz od innych;) Powiem tylko, ze bardzo podobaja mi sie Twoje kwiaty ? sama probuje je fotografowac, ale trudno mi wymyslac jakies fajne ujecia. Troche z Ciebie ?sciagne?, moge?;) Pozdrawiam


    Ciao!I like the photo very much - there are beautiful shadows in the picture and the choice of using sepia made the photo more dramatic. I would only change the position of the girl's head...maybe it should be posed downward, it would be more natural and sexy?
  1. Czesc!I like the portait very much - it has a nice composition and the choice of black and white makes it even more interesting. The moment you took the picture was just perfect: the girl has laughter in her eyes and her pose is very natural. The only thing I can say i don't like is the white triangle on right - it's too white.



    This is one of my favourite photos. I took it in the center of Milan

    and I hope it trasmits the emotions of the moment when I shot this


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