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Image Comments posted by mark_levesque

    Morning Kiss II

    This is gorgeous. Amazing how great light can totally elevate a photograph. There is room for improvement with the composition, but you were definitely in the right place at the right time. Nice job.
  1. Well, this is a question that you will need to answer for yourself. What is it that you really want to do? Where is your passion? See if you can get it to line up with something that pays.


    As for the image, it shows some promise, but has some issues. There is noticeable distortion from the use of a short focal length, and her pose needs work. Her right arm is bent unnaturally, for example. You might also try a lower camera position.


    Now the good news is your sister is a cute subject, and if she'll work with you you will have plenty of opportunity to hone your skills. I see some promise here, but there is also work to be done. If you haven't yet availed yourself of educational opportunities, start. If you think you want to do portraiture, I would suggest finding your local PPA affiliate and joining up as a junior member. Once you start hanging around with people who make their living from photography, you will learn a lot. Hopefully you will find a good mentor. And there are plenty of classes and seminars to learn from. You are lucky to be starting so early. If you stick with it you will be doing images in a year or two that will blow your mind.

    My Girl

    she's pretty, but I can't help but wonder how much more I'd like this if you had a reflector in front of her and to the left to short light her and pop some light into her eyes. this metal railing right in front of her is a distraction and you should either clone/patch it out or throw some blur on it so it doesn't compete for attention with her face.

    Nymph on Cork

    Try adding a snooted light from behind the subject on camera left to bring out more of the texture. Selective sharpening of the nymph would also be a plus. Not a bad effort.
  2. You might think about using a scrim for this type of shot in direct sunlight. This would diffuse the light, making for a more flattering quality of light (and would help you avoid blowing the white shirt). I'd also pose your subject a bit less square to the camera. I do like your controlled depth of field, and your subject is interesting. I also like your sepia toning. Good job overall, but a few changes could elevate this to a higher level.



    An employee of a friend of mine, Jessica is not only a model but also

    a photographer. Here she is on a good side of the camera for her. Or

    maybe for us.


    C&C, please.



    Hi Peter-


    I did take some with them as straight as they can be without a tilt-shift or PS perspective correction. But this one I wanted a moodier feel, hence the tilt and processing.


    Thanks for all the comments.

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