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Posts posted by gary_michael

  1. <p>I have a 2 month new 5dm2. I usually keep a 24TS-E on it all the time...and just yesterday did a shoot and noticed about 50 oil/water spots on the top third of the sensor. (They show up on the bottom third of a horizontal image.) I used the Sensor Clean Fluid / Swabs from Visible Dust and all was cleaned perfectly.<br>

    <br /> My concern is that this just "appeared" after about 2 months of shooting...and I did a shoot last week with the same body/lens combination - without removing the lens between shoots. Is this an ongoing problem with the 5Dm2 bodies? Any advice is helpful. Thanks!</p>

  2. <p>Thanks for all the responses! I met with my client today as they were in town for a shoot. The outcome was a compromise for both my client an our studio. We are still working on the actual placement, etc. - but they are willing to work with us and our request. <br>

    For all of you that were so quick to comment that we should recant our T & C, I suggest that it may be better to converse with your clients and ask in person. (You don't get if you don't ask.) Oh...and I'm not Annie Leibovitz either.<br>



  3. <p>We recently changed our verbiage on one of our forms to require an adjacent credit line for all usage of our images. We have one long-term client who doesn't agree to this? We offered them flexibility as to font, color, size, next to the image, within the image, etc. They argue that the credit line will ruin their design. Any thoughts? Our requested credit line is "© company-name.com". Any feedback is welcome.</p>
  4. I'm having difficulty setting up two monitors on seperate graphics cards. I have two nVidia FX5200 PCI cards and two LCD panels. I'm not using a dual head card because I want to calibrate both LCD monitors so they are correct color and match each other.


    Only one card boots. Both are seen in device manager. Both monitors will run when on the same card. I get the same results when using pci/pci or agp/pci.


    Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


    I'm using the Macbeth eye-one-display-2 to calibrate.

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