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Image Comments posted by barreto



    I identify your photos in a great distance. I love trees and great and deep forests, they have long and poetic souls. Your photos, with its warm tonalities and tender colours, shows very well the soul dimension of that mystic forests. Thank you again Piotr.




    Beautiful in its elegance and almost infinite delicacy. Lovely tonalities. Mariana, your photos collection is a group of gorgeous windows open to a soft, delicate, great and deep world.




    Now there is only one thing to do: to fall. No choice!... The photo simplicity speaks to us about the importance of that moment. Tragic moment?! Who knows, but there are some hope in the scene, I think. Beautiful photo of a tremendous instant.



    A warm and sweet photo like the finest summer afternoons. Very good colour and lovely composition. Detail is also very good. Merry Christmas to you and to all your family.


    Thursday in the left-handed man, or woman, indigent life with some luxury in the middle... And if the first fish in the left side were a fresh fish? Symbolic photo with a lot of interpretations and that fact is very, very, interesting.


    That profile is wonderful in its refinement. Wonderful is also all the exotic elements found in that marvellous head. Poetic is the half-opened lips and the face elevation that suggest a long and eternal kiss offering. The blue tonality is fine, mysterious. The light is good and the shades are sweet. Lovely photo, ECONE...


    Elegant with beautiful and very delicate colours and forms. The detail is interesting and, I must say, the background is wonderful. Camilo, this is a lovely photo.

    Metal and stone

    No critic, no advice, one comment: metal and stone? Yes, no doubt, but I like very much the composition made by straight lines in the buildings and the curves in the cars. Also the bright surfaces against the opaque of the walls. A very interesting and beautiful "binomial", black and white (another duo!), photo.


    This photo is very attractive. Tonalities, face expression, eyes are marvellous. And there are something charismatic in that body, in the pose... perhaps the tall and arched aspect... The elegancy is enormous. I must say that words like "that pathetic thing" are very rude.


    Many of your photos, and that is no exception, speak about the long and sweet, sometimes mystic, stories that live in the forests. I love your stories. They are strong but profound, beautiful with wonderful atmospheres. I made great journeys when I see your forests images.


    The sky, with our without clouds, always produces some enchantment in human soul. This is a very interesting fact. Your photo is a small window that shows a petit, but great and vigorous, portion of that attraction. Is beautiful!

    trapped @ belitung

    Love that composition! Woman seems to be born from the rocks. I know your work at a great distance and that picture is no exception. Same tonalities, same "fight" between light and shades, same atmosphere. That is your style and I like it very much.


    Tonalidades quentes e doces, um belo emaranhado de plantas silvestres... tudo isto debaixo de um ceu que anuncia o adeus. Uma boa foto.
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