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Posts posted by vicki_mclaughlin

  1. OH MY GOSH!!!!Thank you all so much for responding.....Here is what I think I did, or didn't do. I did not read my available light. I just did a light reading. The negatives where really thin, which tells me that they were underexposed. Unfortunatly it was NOT my lab. I wish I could blame him. I think for the church photo's I will use 400 and the reception I will use 160. My biggest concern is the alter shots and groups of people. I have done enough partys to feel confident about that. I was thinking about bringing in two strobes for the group alter shots. I don't know if that is necessary though. That seems to be awful time consuming. Oh yeah...The wedding is my cousins wedding. They have tons of confidence in me. The pressure is just too much though. Thanks again.
  2. I am shooting a wedding and my test rolls where so washed out. They

    looked like I had a monster flash set up in my subjects face. I was

    using Fuji 400 nph. I have a Hasselblad 503CW. I mostly shoot

    outdoor with available light. Sometimes with just a little fill.

    Here are a few of my questions.


    ISO 400 or 160


    Best overall combination f stop/shutter speed


    What setting to set my Vivitar 285


    This will be a good starting point to shoot a second test. This had

    made me want to go digital. Instant results. I am a nervous wreck.

    And these nerves are why I don't do weddings. For all those wedding

    photographers out there....I really admire you more that I already

    did. HELP!!!

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