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Image Comments posted by lucian1

  1. I like very much this photo. The title is very well chosen because everything is about colors and shapes in this one. I see it more like an abstract composition than a landscape. Beautiful!
  2. I like it for the composition. What bothers me a bit is the sky color which is too orange for my taste, I suspect a color cast introduced by the filter but it's just a wild guess. Actually I've seen myself very colored sunsets on Lake Tahoe and the colors just before sunset are unbelievably strong. Good picture!



    I looked at all your pictures and I liked this one best! I like the composition and the color palette. However the picture is a bit overexposed. Decreasing the exposure will also retain more detail in the sky which is where the overexposure is worse.


    Now, if you allow me I will also comment on the other images in your portofolio and explain why I liked this one from the series of old country houses. In this picture, there is no tree in front of the house/main subject and because of that I get a clear view at it. I know you're trying to capture something (light, patterns) when composing with a tree in front of the subject but this rarely succeeds. Try more "straightforward" shots of your subjects, you'll be surprised when finding out that they lead to less busy compositions and are more powerful/successful.


    I hope you take my comments as what they really are, constructive criticism and opinions. Ultimately, I may be wrong and I'm not saying you should stop experimenting with the technique you're using. But also get a straight shot of every of your subjects and compare the results.

    In Flight


    I like the color tones and the composition. Great capture!


    About using manual focus: after many attempts to use automatic focus to shoot birds in flight I reached the conclusion that at least with the lens I own (Canon 75-300 mm USM IS) manual focus is the only choice. Automatic focus will more often than not get confused by a small movement of the camera and completely defocus the image. Maybe it's something I'm doing wrong or the lens is especially prone to this but I couldn't get a decent shot on automatic.


    Good capture but I think the monk noticed you! Ideally, the camera should have been a bit to the left. Good picture anyway, sharp, great colors (or lack of them...), good capture of the body language !
  3. I like the contrast in this picture very much. Colors are very good too. Maybe the upper part of the composition is not as good as the lower part but still makes for a great picture.

    Flute player


    Larry, thanks! You always have nice words that help one keep his faith!


    The BW conversion was done automatically by Picasa, a program that I highly recommend especially for labeling and categorizing but also for the "quick fixes" that let you rapidly experiment and assess the potential of further processing in PS.


    Usually I do the conversion manually in PS but I liked this one so I decided to keep it. Plus, the image did not need any other fix, not even sharpening.



    Captured during the "A la carte and art" festival in Mountain View

    California. These guys are 2 of the Silicon Valley Houserockers, a

    band that plays mostly 60's rock and roll.


    Thnak you for your comments and ratings.


    Very good photograph! You lost the focus toward the top of the image. It doesn't spoil the image but it's a small imperfection. Did you shoot with a big aperture ?
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