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Posts posted by henry_petrov1

  1. Before buying a flash I decided to ask what would be a nice flash to

    the Bessa r3a...

    I was thinking in the Metz mecablitz 36 c-2

    seems that has nice manual controls but doesn't have tilt/shift:

    that I like very much.

    Is this flash fine or do you have another nice one?

    thank you people :)


    and thanks all for my previous answers of the leica m4-p and m4-2 :)

  2. Hi

    I'm going in 2006, for a big trip, in Africa, Middle East, Asia and

    Central America, about 6 months.

    Is work (I'm not a photographer I work with humanitarian aid, I'll

    be working for Unicef, with children) and would like to know what

    kind of equipment would be nice to go.

    I need film and digital (big prints) but worried about weight and

    being robbed (I would like to be low profile specially in Africa).


    I was thinking in digital: rebel 350d OR canon Pro1 ?

    and for film, a Elan 7ne?


    I was thinking about a Apacer Disc Steno CP-300 to burn my digital

    images into CD-rom's.


    What do you think?

  3. Hi people. I'm new here but have been reading for some time.


    I would like to discuss, about your equipment stolen on travel.

    I would like to study if it's the brand, the size, or the fact

    that's digital...

    Maybe we cancome up with some interesting facts :)

    Those who know someone that has been stolen can contribute too.


    I had my camera stolen in the airport, from inside my bag, was a

    very old canon with a cheap Sigma 28-300mm lens... thank god wasn't

    my EOS 3 .

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