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Image Comments posted by shaun_van_poecke

  1. Well, its a few days later and so far I've got 11 ratings and not a single comment ;-)


    While some people certainly do appreciate the ratings they really dont have any meaning to me unless I get a comment stating *why* you gave me a '2'. Or a '6' or whatever.... once again folks, I really do appreciate feedback ^^

  2. Hi guys,

    I shot this image a couple of summers ago on a beach in south korea;

    pretty wild there, your not allowed to walk on the sand because

    they're always worried about north korean invasions. Heavy military

    presence. Looking at the image I can't help but feel that there was

    something better on offer and I missed it, any clues? I think it

    s got something to do with where the barbed wire disappears to, maybe

    it should have been lower, or higher?

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