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Image Comments posted by kreg_ulery

  1. I really like the strong line from the cloud/sky intersection reflection going directly to the corner. It almost seems that the leftmost tree's reflection is pointing to call attention to the endpoint of this strong diagonal. I think the footprints may have done you a favor & pushed you to a stronger / more interesting composition. Very nice work!
  2. I'd have to disagree about the shutter speed. I think it's well-chosen. I'd simply encourage you to practice panning over & over to get the car sharper. It's very difficult to very smoothly track a car with a camera. When the car is traveling straight, it's also only possible to have one section of the car sharp when you're using slower shutter speeds. It often looks best if the "sharp" area is selected to be the driver's helmet or at least the front portion of the car (you simply lock this part of the car in the part of the viewfinder that you want it in the final image and track the car by keeping that part of the car in the same part of the viewfinder - it sounds MUCH easier to do than it is, however)..


    If you're on the inside of a curve, it's often possible to get the entire car sharp while having speed-blurred backgrounds (and, you can tell if you've really "nailed" the shot if you can read the brake caliper manufacturer through the blurred wheels).


    It may not be in print any more, but a reference I found helpful was "Speed Secrets" by John Blakemore. He wrote it long before digital was prevalent, but the technique is very similar.


    Hickory Run State Park? I've never seen fish in that pool... Very nice light & just enough sense of movement by the subject to make the entire scene just that much more inviting (I think it would miss something if the subject were "perfectly" still).


    OK, I admit it, I lust for the camera. The photo is outstanding, too. I really like the way the wings are bent just enough (and the right way) to draw attention to his/her sharp, catchlighted eyes. Even the barring under the right wing draws you to the face. An outstanding capture - I suppose Thomas scaled a 500 foot cliff and found him/her waiting :-) I can never find raptors that are so cooperative.

    Joest Audi


    This was the first appearance of the Audi R8R that went on to win 3

    consecutive LeMans titles (2000-2002). The car hadn't yet been

    painted, so the finish is raw carbon fiber & epoxy. The specular

    highlight on the car's number is from the setting sun. Exposure was

    1/80 sec (to blur the wheels and background) with the lens set at

    about 220 mm & then carefully panned to keep the car sharp. Comments


    Las Torres

    Unlike Sebastien Chauvel, I haven't ever been here. I see now that I need to to get there. Just an outstanding capture. Ramkumar asks for suggestions ... I can only suggest to continue taking more photos. Truly inspiring work.
  3. Ilkka replied in an email. He felt the contrast was too soft & sent a levels adjusted version that I (of course!) felt was too harsh. Putting my bruised ego aside, I did note that the green channel histogram was missing the darkest shades of the image I'd posted. The attached image spreads the green histogram and lowers the midpoint of the RGB composite to .96 of what I'd posted before. Which do you like better?


    Still learning,

  4. Ilkka Nissila, you gave this a 3/7 and a 3/7 (A & O). I'm curious, why you think it's below average in both categories?


    I've seen your work and especially like your "Rocks in Snow" (photo_id=1073126), so I consider your opinion highly. What would have liked to see done differently in this photo?


    Best regards,


  5. Just another "typical" Kenneth Kwan image (look at the rest of his stuff if you haven't already!). Outstanding capture in the right place at the right time with careful, practiced technique. I wish he'd invite me go go hiking sometime.
  6. There's plenty to like. I'm especially drawn to the mist & the uncluttered design of the composition. The brighter tonality in the center of the background really draws attention to composition. I really didn't much care for dandelions before this photo came along.....
  7. I think a reflector or softbox to the right would be very helpful in filling in the deep facial shadows. I find the highlight on her right arm distracting & the focus a little soft (gripe, gripe!). I like sense of peace & quietness I get from this image.
  8. It looks like Pop Photo is recognizing true artistry. Ive admired your work on Photo.net, and it was no surprise to see two of your photos in this months Popular Photography contest issue. Congratulations. Yours is a portfolio to be proud of (should I go back & see if there are more Jaap Hart photos in this issue?).


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