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Posts posted by Pa-cha

  1. <p>Hi Benny...<br>

    I'm not a Japanese, and I'm not a collector...but I'm found of Rolleiflex TLRs. Why ? Because these cameras have all I need to take some nice pictures. I own a Rolleiflex T (type 2) and the Tessar lens is fantastic ! Very sharped, really ! The camera is not bulky, and it's a real pleasure to do a photographic walk with it. I bought mine in second hand for 950$ and I'm very happy with it.<br>

    And more... Each time I'm doing some pictures in the street, a lot of people ask me :" what'is this ?"" is it a new camera ?"" is it a digital camera ?" "You have a nice camera",and so on...So, with a Rolleiflex, you don't practice photography in the same way that with a digital DSLR....No. Definitively no ! First, it's not agressive, you don't SHOT at the others, your head is bowed to look at the focusing screen. Second, as a photographer, you're OK with all the persons in a street and you explain how you "take" a picture. People are so curious ! And today, a Rolleiflex is not an UFO but an UPO !<br>

    And no batteries, no card, no heavy lenses...Just this dead cert : when you need it, your Rolleiflex TLR is always ready !</p>


  2. <p>I agree with Eric. When I want to shot with my Rollei 120 macro and an extension tube, I always use a long micrometric plate. It's easier to move the camera and the lens than try to focus with the focus ring. I 've baught, several years ago, a Manfrotto plate to do macrophoto shots. Easy to use, and great results ! (sorry for my bad english)</p>


  3. <p>Dear photographers,</p>

    <p>I've the opportunity to buy a Tele Tessar 350mm PQ, but before I just want to have opinions and tips. So if you own one, please, say me what you think about (pictures welcome !!!)<br>

    Thanks for patience,<br>

    Regards, Pascal.</p>

  4. <p>Hi,<br>

    Thanks for all these kind replies. I've just received mine today from KEH for 33$, in its box, LN.<br>

    Now, I must understand how to use the F1 with the servo EE attached on. I'm very surprised because I can't see the exposition scale on the right...How can I know if the exposure is right ?<br>

    Thanks for your tips. I wish you a great year for 2012.<br>



  5. <p>Hi,<br>

    Thanks for all these kind replies. I've just received mine today from KEH for 33$, in its box, LN.<br>

    Now, I must understand how to use the F1 with the servo EE attached on. I'm very surprised because I can't see the exposition scale on the right...How can I know if the exposure is right ?<br>

    Thanks for your tips. I wish you a great year for 2012.<br>



  6. <p>Dear photographers,</p>

    <p>I own a 6003 Pro camera and I want to move to digital photography. What digital backs fit on my camera ? Is the Sinar Emotion 75 LV a good choice today, for instance ?<br>

    PS : If someone have some shots taken with a Rollei 6008/3 and a digital back, it should be great to post them as an example. I beg your pardon for my bad english. Pascal.<br>

    Regards. Thanks for reading.</p>

  7. <p>Dear Steve,<br>

    If you sell these items, I'm interested in 2 of them : <strong>the speedlite 133d and the rings for 50mm and 35mm and the waist level finder old F1. </strong><br>

    My email address is : <a href="mailto:odilepc@aol.com">odilepc@aol.com</a>. If you don't want to ship in France, I have a good friend in Mesa, (AZ). You may ship to him...<br>

    Thanks a lot. Pascal.</p>

  8. <p>Graham,<br>

    You're right ! I can't afford a large format camera as a Linhof or a Sinar. As I own a lot of pieces in the medium format Rollei system, I think this lens should serve me as a large camera. Is it true or wrong, I don't know. That's why I put my question on the forum.<br>

    Thanks for your kind answer .</p>

  9. <p>Hi anybody,<br>

    I'm going to buy a Rollei 55 mm PCS Angulon and I just want to know what lens hood fits with this lens. If somebody uses one, it should be great for me to have a critique about it. Thanks for patience. Regards, Pascal.</p>

  10. <p>Hi,<br />My 100-400 L IS is fallen yesterday. It was on the table in its Lovepro hard pouch when it's happened. I can use it again in auto focus mode, but not in manual because the ring is locked : its impossible to turn it. I want to know if somebody knows how to repair it or if it is expensive to send it to Canon to make repairs<br />Thanks for reading. Pascal.</p>
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