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Posts posted by maximd

  1. Hi,


    Thank you all for your replies. I think I'll stick with an idea of buying a colorimeter and give my existing monitor a chance :)

    Meanwhile I'll make some more in depth research on this issue. It seems to me like a lack of information regarding high-end monitors on the web, I found a lot of general info and some mid to low end monitors comparison. So I'll be glad if you have some more links to share with me.





  2. Hi,


    I have an Samsung 920T monitor and i use it mainly for digital photography in

    PS. Recently i got really frustrated with this monitor and decided to replace it

    by more professional one.


    After i looked around and asked some people an Eizo CG241W appeared as a good

    option. And i even convinced myself to spend the money, I don't by a monitor

    every day after all :)

    But then i had some questions.


    1. Is this monitor going to serve me for a long time? I heard that it's good

    when it comes out of the factory, but after the first calibration it matches

    other models (less expensive) in its class.


    2. Eizo have other monitors in their less expensive series that match the same

    percentage of color space, why not them?


    3. Is it possible at all to get more of my existing monitor by using any of the

    hardware calibrators?



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