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Image Comments posted by sumitra_mitter

    Black beauty.


    Omli/Omlette,your picture is simply great.I miss you.This reminds me of the lovely time we had at the picnic. Come back and take more pictures and we shall have endless picnics. Love you - Dona -Sumitra - Ranjan.



    Oh! This is very very very funnny. As usual, this is a different type. LIKE IT A LOT AMAL. THIS IS A SONG: brinjal, brinjal, coconut, coconut, you look so much like a choconut, oh dear, oh dear, bye for now.


    The photograph is of quintessential Bengal and reminds one of Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha. Uniquely moving. The title, however, could have been given keeping in mind more of transition, and less of finality. Like "Passage".
  1. "In the blue of the sky, in the green of the forest,


    Whose is the hand that has painted the glow? Sri Aurobindo.


    When I saw this image, I remembered these lines. Beautiful abstract. Thanks for showing us "Nature's palatte" from Coonoor.

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