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Image Comments posted by professorlove



    Hi Laurent, how are you doing? Very intersting picture here! Many things... many contrasts... color contrast, red blue... always good association. Contrasts between the old, the broken, and the new.


    The light is also good. A strong picture! ;)




    Very interesting and original portrait to me. The subject maybe lacks a little light... not much light, just a little little bit more... Except that the elements are well organised in this square... Good picture!

    wall - llaw

    I like this yellow a lot! I love those textures. A good abstract... Is the panoramic view an aesthetic choice? or there were disturbing elements that forced you to choose this framing?



    I don't know this place... I don't know these structures... Does it really exist? Is it a mirage, is it a kind of very old fortress lost in the desert in which nobody can enter, nobody can discover the secret to get in... Nobody has the explanation of the origins of "that"...


    Man this is really beautiful... and the colors, and the foggy feeling. I really wonder where it is...

    NYC Docks

    Ben me concernant quand je retouche une photo, je la passe en niveaux de gris, puis ensuite reviens en mode RVB pour retrouver l'utilit頤e la fonction : correction s鬥ctive. (sous photoshop tout 硩. ENsuite dans la fonction correction s鬥ctive, je joue sur les trois composantes : blanc gris et noir. Dans ces trois composantes, je fais varier la quantit頤e noir. Ainsi, pour ton cas pr飩s, il faudrait s鬥ctionner la compostante blanc dans la liste d鲯ulante, et retirer un peu de noir dans les blancs. Ce qui aura pour effet de faire ressortir les zones plus claires, et am讥 donc du contraste et du relief. Si t'as des questions, un petit mail ;). A plus!
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