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Image Comments posted by jimbakerphotography

  1. ellen,

    i've been away from photo.net for almost 2 years now but am going to dip my toe in the waters of this website again...

    i was scrolling through the ALL TIME top photos last night and saw some of your work!  congrats! 

    i don't know if you remember me or not, my grandmother is joan newhall. 

    love this macro, the textures and the subdued colors and then the RED of the ladybug. 

    looking forward to reconnecting!

    jim baker



    hey stephanie,

    i've decided i'm going to give photo.net a try agian... i LOVE how you posed the groom and grooms men on the steps! 

    was this the wedding you were talking about shooting on facebook? 


  2. michael, i'm going to give photo.net a try again after a 2 year hiatus.  you were one of the people that helped me out in the very begining with real critiques. so when i logged in and decided to get involved again you were one of the first people i came to comment on. 

    the thing that stands out to me the most in this picture is the frozen water droplets and how they look so similar to the polkadots on her bathing suit. 

    what if you shot from a lower perspective?  this shot is very centered, horizon line in the middle, model in the middle.  do you think a lower perspective would give a more dramatic effect? 

    looking forward to reconnecting

    jim baker

    Rwanda 4


    i'm back to try out photo.net again after a 2 year hiatus.  you were on my list of people i followed and i remembered the personality that your work had. 

    this seems to again capture your playful photo personality.  i love all of the cool colors and variety of browns. 

    what were you doing in rwanda?  i was in kenya at the begining of this year. 



    love the crop, and the detail and color contrast.  i love the lighting on the top of flowers against the black background.  i've decided to maybe start using photo.net again.  not going to sign up as a member quite yet... just going to give it a try. 

    'Four Women'


    hey john,

    i've decided to give photo.net a try again after a 2 year hiatus.  i'll be slowly uploading photos since i am not a member anymore. 

    its nice to see three's again.  excellent black and white contrast.  i like how the expression on the womans face, and how she is walking in the other direction as the majority of the pictures are facing. 

    thanks for story telling when you capture. 

    jim baker



    great portrait and lighting, i think i would have cropped a little more off the bottom though seeing part of her arm but no hand is a distraction to me, also the man even though blurred out is still a distraction probably mainly because of the red and white my eye is drawn there


    jim baker



    very strong portrait, love the high key my only complaint is i would like to see all of her feet its distracting to have them cut off where they are i love the square format



    jim baker

    New Fur Hat


    good framing and expression, i feel like her hair is sharper in focus in this picture than her eyes the hair that covers her neck is also distracting. i'd also like to see her skin tone a bit warmer... hope that is a helpful critique



    jim baker



    a strong portrait with a good expression and good framing... i would like to see more detail in the shadows of his shirt... and whatever the flare is in the upper right hand corner (the brightest part of the pic) is extremely distracting and my eye is drawn there instead of the persons face



    jim baker



    kona art? nope... i took it in western NY... techniques I learned in kona though... yay for off camera lighting...



    jim baker

    soft fade


    how are you lighting this?


    beautiful lighting and i love the composition. sharp focal point trailing off into a soft focus... its great!


    i shot flowers today too... not something I do often, but I was on a walk and saw them and picked them up and took them home to shoot.



    jim baker

  3. very nice... great composition, the red spot in the upper right hand corner detracts from the overall picture though, you could try de-saturating that?


    i just shot two flower shots that you might be interested in...


    jim baker

    Sea Turtle


    this is beautiful... is this through glass or did you buy a underwater housing?


    i just got back from hawaii, i went snorkling once but only took a crappy underwater film camera, nothing turned out anywhere near to this... congrats!


    if you wanna stop by and check out some of my recent stuff my whole portfolio is new from this year except one.


    jim baker

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