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Image Comments posted by lofgreenimages



    This was composed with two exposures on the same shoot. I exposed for

    the subject and then the sky. I composed the two together in PS for

    this final image. I wanted the image to look as it did to my eye so I

    had to replace the blown out sky in the first exposure with the

    properly exposed sky in the second one. I was shooting fuji supria ASA

    400 so there is a lot of grain but I think it adds to the mood of the

    image. Let me know what you think, please.

  1. I was able to go to the Escondido cruise night when I was out in

    California over the 4th of July. There were some beautiful cars there!

    This one was one of my favorites. This shot is straight out of the

    camera, no PS or cropping. Please let me know what you think of this shot.

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