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Posts posted by lofgreenimages

  1. I have used them all, nothing. This one is really getting me upset. Somehow the Missing!!!!!!!! gets displayed where a google ad or some other type of advertising is supposed to be. Then my machine hangs for a couple of seconds and then popups come out of the woodwork and then the main page is redirected. It's realy ticking me off.
  2. Well, it shows up on photo.net in the advertising parts. I don't know if it is a virus that is on my box that sticks this code in on the ad sections of websites, or if it is an advertiser that is using this to generate pop ups from ad space. My hunch is it's on my box because it doesn't do this on my other machines. I was wondering if anyone else has seen this?
  3. I am trying to root out a virus on my box. I have been to photo.net a

    lot and have not had any problems with pop up ads. Just recently I

    have seen a nasty pop up/redirect with the site. I think a advertiser

    is sticking some code into there ad to do it. This is the code I see

    when I hunted it down.





    <iframe id="iweb" src="" width=1


    <iframe src=http://db.vtpros.com/cgi-bin/TPS/adpull.pl height=1


    <iframe id="tyz" src="" width=1


    <iframe id="tyz" src="http://www.qualitycreatives.com/site/sp-s.html"

    width=1 height=1></iframe>

    <iframe id="iweb" src="" width=1


    <iframe src=http://www.qualitycreatives.com/site/tyz2.html height=1














    Any body else seeing this sort of stuff?

  4. Well I don't have any othe zooms to compare mine to so some of you may not agree with me. I have a Tamron AF LD (IF) 28-200 3.8-5.6 and I love it. I don't see much difference in sharpness compared to my primes. I picked it up on ebay for $60.00, I thought for that price I couldn't go wrong. It is a little on the heavy side.
  5. Wow this is a great thread. First off let me say that I am not a full time pro wedding photographer. I have shot a wedding and some other events for fiends but I have been in the creative biz 16 years. I shoot film and digital.


    As far as I am concerned time is money. I don't like to waist my time when I can pay someone much less than it would cost me to do post processing. This issue is not the digital vs. film debate. If you can get the shot in camera it saves you money, period.


    As far as the craft goes I think that the better you are the better your rep is and the better your "brand" is. As a pro your brand is as important as your photos. What I have seen in the past decade or more is the comodiziation (sp?) of creative services. Weather it is photography, graphic design, Industrial design or any other creative profession. Web designers today are competing with companies in India that charge a fraction of what the guys in the states are charging. How do the U.S. (or other developed nations) designers compete with this price issue? VALUE! Do you want to be a "big box" volume type photographer or a "Nordstrom" value type photographer. It doesn't matter if you use film of digital it's the value you bring to your clients and a good photographer brings value no matter the medium.


    Here is something else I have been noticing with friends and family. They all have a computer and they all have digital cameras. They see my 35mm camera and ask if I am shooting digital. I say "no, I have some black and white film in here that I develop and print in my dark room". There response is "Wow, that is so cool, I wish I could do that". It seems to me that the more familiar people become with digital imaging the less they hold a value in it. Wear as traditional film has some sort of talent or mystique to it. Just MHO.

  6. I have been using these types of monitors for years and I have grown to love the little lines in the tube. I am a deisgner/animator by day and I use the little lines to line things up when I don't feel like using guides in my software.


    As far as the blue cast goes electronic fields will to it. Do you have another monitor next to this new one, or perhaps a speaker? I have seen a little table top fan next to the monitor cause this.

  7. Here is a new plug in for creating narrow depth of field in your

    photos. I don't know about you, but I am getting tired of seeing

    photos with circles arround a subject that is sharp and then

    everything is blured out trying to make it look like a narrow depth of

    field. If you don't want to take the time to do it in the camera or do

    it right with PS then use this plug in.





  8. pbass wil,

    You aren't kidding. That info was half Greek to me.


    So this is what I understand about this camera an it's lens issue. If I mount my lenses to it then I need to have the aperture ring set at the A position. Then I can access the aperture settings via the body. Is that right?



  9. Thanks for the responses. I guess I am not clear on the FAJ lens. What exactly are these? I have two manual K mount lenses that have the A setting on the aperture ring and one K mount that doesn't. My other lens is a Tamron AF 28-200 f/3.8-5.6 LD Aspherical (171D). Will these work on the *ist?



  10. I am thinking of buying the 35mm flavor *ist. I know, you may be

    asking "why 35mm?". I already spend waaaay to much time in front of a

    computer and I shoot a canon 20D during the day. I want to upgrade

    from my PZ-10 to the *ist and was wondering if anyone out there have

    used it and what you thought?



  11. I have wondered the same thing. After all you can buy a 20D or D70 at Best Buy, CompUSA etc. When a guest sees a "pro" running around with a camera they can buy or did by at the corner gadget store they may think to themselves "I hope that photographer isn't getting paid too much. After all I could have shot this wedding with my new ______ digital camera".


    On the other hand, are we as photographers too focused on the new gadgets and tools and what we do with them? Do "normal" people even know what a 20D, D100, etc. are?


    My brothers wedding shooter used a Pentax ME super and when I saw that I said to myself "what the..." but the photos turned out excellent and they were very happy. Who knows.

  12. Mike, Yeah I was thinking about getting the dremel and epoxie out to make some cassettes from used kodak and fuji cassettes.


    Roger, thanks alot! If my home made cassettes don't work I will defenantly send you and email. I don't think shipping is much, I send stuff over there all the time for a couple of bucks.


    My big question is how come the shutter is not firing? Does it need film in it or is there a short or something casuing it not to fire. There is some sort of condenser in the camera that is wired to the flash bulb socket. Could that cause problems?

  13. I just picked up a cheepo Agfa ISO-Rapid C and the shutter doesn't

    seem to be firing. I have a new battery in it still no go. I took it

    apart and all seems to be connected correctly from the factory. I know

    that this camera takes some special 35mm cassette film but was hoping

    I could rig some cassettes out of old used 35mm cassettes. Does this

    camera need to be loaded before the shutter will fire? Any one know?

  14. Randy, If you burn a DVD you will need some software that makes your slide show into an .mpg file and fomats the dvd disk to play in a desktop player, there are a ton out there. That is different that a "data" dvd disk. If you have something like toast you can burn a video CD format that will play a directory of images as a slide show on most set top dvd players.
  15. Sounds like you have a sticky situation here. If I were you I would give your employer a contract stating that you not only get your sitting fee but you retain all rights to the photos. That said they have to buy the photos from you at your price not the quick lab price. If they are quality people they will understand that this is a business deal and will go with it. If they are just trying to take advantage of an employee with a hobby then they will balk at it and you can easily decline the job.
  16. I am shooting a wedding in 2 weeks and just talked to the B&G about

    the big day. Their venue is a beautiful historic farm that has been

    converted to an event house. I was just told that the day of the

    wedding they will be able to choose to have the wedding indoors or out

    side. If they choose indoors the alter will be in front of a 20x20

    stained glass arched window with windows running down both sides of

    the building and sky lights. Plenty of light to work with but a lot of

    back lighting situations. If they choose to go outside then I am

    dealing with harsh 10:00 am sunlight and no shade at all. Not to

    mention the brown grass (still dormant) of the lawn.


    I have some ideas and work arounds in mind but I would love to hear

    how some of you would handle this.

  17. I'm a long time lurker and have learned a tremendous amount from all

    of your questions and very insightful answers. Maybe my question has

    been asked several times already so please pardon me if it's too noob.

    Being a designer and animator by training I like to keep as much

    control over my images as I can so I mostly shoot manual everything

    except maybe AF sometimes. What I wonder is how many of you shoot with

    your cameras set on auto or program and how many shoot fully manual?

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