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Image Comments posted by bradford

  1. Congrats Melissa!  I saw you filled up the wedding page.  I thought I'd comment on the shot I liked the best, and I haven't seen this one before.  I really like the idea and execution.  I realize it's hard to get all the type in focus on a macro,  so this is well done IMHO.  Best wishes on your photography!

    Lion Charge


    Stunning shot. I'm sure you can sell this one. Grabbed me in a heartbeat. Well done and great execution. I wouldn't listen to your detractors, keep at it and best wishes for the New Year!

  2. This is one of those stop-action/fast shutter speed shots that really works well.  Just classic, and we know what and why the dog is doing what he's doing, but we laugh all the anyway.  Great timing and thinking of this shot and the peak action of it Janice!  Well done, I also love the expression on your husbands(?) face.  Here's my curious suggestion or want to see series-  What if you did a number of these together at various doors gathered in one theme, say a car door, garage door, front or back doors, dog doors, etc..?  Or how about the different expressions of the dog when he does or doesn't want to do something?  Just a thought......

    Curve Spectrum


    This is really nice work Marc, well done!  As far as those raters you were talking about I think the ratings should only be open to those PAYING members of photo.net.  That would weed out a lot of people, yes?



    Ricardo-  Great job of staying mindful and cognizant of the moment!  Fun shot!  Well done and keep carrying that camera my friend!  Thank you for all your ratings on my portfolio!

    Sunset Sentinel


    Marsel- Congratulations on your shot! I wondered on first glance why your paragraphs were so long, but then I read them and understood exactly what you went through.


    It's great that you kept up with it and perservered, it paid off. The shot and placement of the sun are great. I also like the gradient of tones on the sky and detail of the animal.


    I don't worry about the legs like you mentioned, doesn't really matter much at all IMHO.


    Best wishes, Happy Holidays and keep photographing!!!! :)


    That's just a great freeze frame action packed shot! And kings of the mts. too! Sweet, I hope you're selling this shot and making $$$$$$$$$$, it you're not, you should! 5-star *****


    Massimiliano my friend, I like her expression, pose, and the lighting. This really shows her personality. She looks somewhat reluctant to pose, but loves it at the same time. Very cute little girl!


    Good framing and subject matter, Great expression of child and moment in time with the sunburst. IDK if it would've added seeing the man's expression or not. Still this is a great shot!

    First photoshoot

    Hey for a first photoshoot it looks great. Nice DOF, great model and pose. Lighting looks good to me, a little splashed on her face but I think it works. Head is a little cut off, but it looks good. Focus a little soft, intended? Either way well done, personal shoot or business? Best wishes and keep photographing!
  3. Karolos my friend- I see great images in your portfolio. I especially like this one, but will comment on some others as well. I thought I was looking at National Geographic pictures when I opened your portfolio. I don't know if you're familiar with this magazine, but this is high praise indeed. As high as this monastery.


    You seem very adept and skilled at finding the angle and moment of your subjects. I hope you post more and continue pursuing your photography, maybe even professionally? Yes?


    Good luck to you my friend and keep photographing more and more!

    Leaning Oak

    Nice comp, framing and lighting. Really comes together on this one. Great reflection, I was curious if you tried different crops on this one? Good luck and keep photographing!


    Great shot! Nice capture, very well done! This bear is scaring the s#*@ out of me. How big was he? Good luck and keep photographing!
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