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Posts posted by serge_chamulot

  1. this may be really stupid but I was wondering how to use the little

    focussing aid on sinar camera's (near the backs fine focus) and

    apart from that if it is worth using anyway. I can not quite figure it

    out, and it seems to me that it should only be accurate for one

    specific lens or focal length (there's a little '90' on mine so

    perhaps this was meant for a 90mm?)




    thanks for any insight,


  2. I'm about to buy a focomat IIc enlarger and have been searching the web and deja-news for info. There was hardly anything out there, couldn't believe it, since leica has such a large group of loyal users/collectors. So if anyone knows of a good site, has personal experience and is willing to share, or might even have a scanned manual I'd be very happy.




    thanks in advance, serge

  3. anyone has experience with cambo twin lens 4x5 inch(twr54)?

    i'd think it makes a nice camera for portraits etc, since you can see what you get when taking the picture, but don't know much about it. camera is cheap enough but the lenses have to come in (matched?)pairs. it is of course old and quite rare and there are probably better options, but since i saw one i love it. would like opinions/ more info




    thanks, serge

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