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Image Comments posted by robert_walls

    Relative Motion

    Audrey you didn't have to comment but thankyou.. I'm getting very frustrated with the total silence at PN and I shouldn't have to go looking or comments! Although even when I have, its been a fruitless search.. Interesting comparison to UF, this picture got three within a few hours and the other one you saw, nine!.... Thanks for the link :) I'll visit him soon.
  1. I love experimental work, especially when it gives such a beautiful result. one day I'll get to IR. in the mean time, I'll just enjoy what your doing with it. At first I thought it was snow on the ground but quickly realised my error. This is a good way of showing the feeling of Autumn, deserted playground, a sprinkling of leaves, the wet path. A very restful shot.

    Bike Lane

    Bikes are a timeless theme and seem to lend a personality of their own making this lane feel inhabited even though it isn't and the store at the end is obviously closed. What is also interesting here is how clean this lane is.


    Let me just talk to myself for a while.. maybe something intelligble will come out.. the title you chose is perfect, the questions keep revolving in my mind from simple ones about shoe laces to much deeper.. there are no answers and you've provided no clues..


    I was so fascinated by the corroded textures that I hadn't thought about how strange it is to have so many locks in one place. This looks to be a well kept secret. What a wonderful find.
  2. What a great picture.. I find that the black squares along the bottom provide a foundation for everything else to build on. You seem to have captured that quiet moment of reflection that sometimes happens after a meal and before moving on. Why do the blacks seem blacker than on your film shots? is it a trick of the contrast?

    Lined Up

    You have a good eye for patterns and repetition and i like the collection of textures too. from polished timber to the water and then the weathered roof of each boat. I've found that no matter how early I get up in the morning, I'm never earlier than a Chinese person so this must be late in the day.

    Negative Space

    I went to an exhibition of Bill Hensons work recently. He experimented with overlayed images in the darkroom and I wanted to try something similar in Photoshop. I guess I did have an idea in mind and there are many versions of this image that didn't work. I'll check the forum.

    Yin and Yang

    Yes, I agree about the persons clothes, A bright colour would make them the subject instead of as they are, a supporting element. I have to say I love this floor the way you have presented it shows the wonderful yin-yang balance and also fascinating is that because of the varying shades of grey, my minds eye wants to see three dimensional shapes in the floor. Particularly near the top right corner.

    Negative Space

    Audrey, You'll be plased to know this was the middle of the day and I was just standing on some steps that lead up to this track, quite out in the open :) Otherwise this is easy. The base image is the woman in the park then over this on another layer I placed a very simple B&W textured image (a bit like black clouds on white). I then set the blending mode to Difference and it behaves more like a layer mask so that black reveals the underlying image and white reveals the underlying in negative. Same again with the sprocket holes. These came from a T400 Neg :)

    The Pavement

    I love making photos of shadows and this one really appeals to me. Often the hardest part is deciding how much context to show. I think you chose well here although tighter would have worked too.
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