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Posts posted by kent2

  1. Anything new to the marketplace will yield a higher price. Wait for the pipeline to fill, watch the mass marketer's, prices will drop.


    (just try to get a new Z06 corvette below MSRP.... sticker price plus $5 - 10,000 dealer addon pricing !!!! low supply, high demand)



  2. Try an alternate test...

    Shoot with all same settings, but use the 2 second self-timer to release the shutter (the camera will lock up the mirror). You maybe experiencing vibration from the mirror movement when you release the shutter. also try using a remote release instead of the camera body release button. also make sure Anti-Shake in OFF when on the tripod.


  3. Some time ago, I saw a outdoor tv show on wild life photography. The

    photographer was using a "gun stock like shoulder mount for the

    camera and long lens. I have drawn a blank in my reseach for this

    type of accessory. Can anybody point me in the correct direction for

    this type of mount.


    I want to shoot wild life in the mornings and evenings from our cabin

    cruiser while anchored in the calm waters of protected coves. This

    style of camera support may lend itself to get the shot easier than

    sandbags or tripod.


    thank you. kent

  4. Thank you for the thoughtful answers.


    Christopher, you were correct in assuming that I was not looking for the 1x-3x macro... though it a unique item. By the way, glad to see somebody else likes the white kit.


    Clinton, thanks for the marketing info. Most interesting.


    Alexandre, the 200/2.8 sounds like a wonderful lens. Maybe in the future I will set up to the "G" lens.


    Thanks again everybody,


  5. Hello Group,


    I am new to the registered list.... been lurking unregistered for a

    few months now. I have done a bit of research here and on other web

    sites. Great information. Here is my question.



    I have been looking back a few model years to purchase an 8000i or

    8700i film body in white finish. Minolta also had offered the 5200

    flash in white finish.


    I have only found the 35-105,F3.5/4.5 (I) Macro(55 filter) in white.


    Were any other primes or zooms offered in white finish without

    getting into the premium G class glass? (I have found budget silver



    I don't know why I want a white outfit... they just seem to be



    I have been shooting with a 7000i since introduction and still use it

    with great results. Just purchased the 7D... learning and loving

    it... mine does show the back focus problems which others have

    experienced. I will send it to Minolta Service for calibration after

    more usage to learn if any other issues need addressing...


    Thank you all,


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