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Image Comments posted by atvjunkie

  1. Thanks everyone!  I'm pretty pleased with how the shot came out.  I need to go around to the back of the building and shoot it.  That's the part of the factory that is actually crumbling and in serious disrepair.  I think it would be rather interesting.  I gotta get someone to go with me though.  It's in a bit of a rough part of town and it is probably not the smartest idea to wander around alone with camera equipment. Haha!

    Also, directly across the street is an empty lot, then some more buildings an urban renewal housing development beond that.  Down just a stone's throw to the left is another of the buildings that comprised this factory.

    In this building is a fitness gym, a candy store and the nashville location for Antique Archaeology (the show on the History Channel called "American Pickers")

    Log Cabin 1


    I think that's one of the reasons I like this one.  All I can figure is that the wood that is higher up was more protected from the elements and was not as weathered as the wood on the bottom.  This same effect happened in the other pictures I took of the surrounding structures.  I believe they were built in the early to mid 1800s.

    Also, check out the album this is in.  There is an all B&W version of this same photo in it.




    I'm a hack, not a pro.  I like the idea of what you we're trying.  The uneven lighting isn't an issue to me. Nor is the fact that not everything is perfectly aligned.   This is a cool idea.  I'll have to try it sometime too.



    Hi Alf,


    Thanks for your comments!!  It definitely looks a bit surreal and pops out at you.  I was actually going for that look on purpose with this one. (I probably should have stated that, but I was hoping to just get a sense of how it came across to people without guiding the feedback.)  It fits though with the whole street (Broadway in Nashville, TN)--both sides and down a few blocks.  Between the lights, signs, blaring music, and people going in and out of all of the different honky tonks, one can feel as if they are in a bit of a twilight zone.  Fun Place!!

    I like the log cabin ones too.  They were taken at a 1850s living farm in Kentucky.  It was in the Land Between the Lakes national recreation area/park.  I've got some other ones to post that are more traditional from the same location.  I will try and do that in the next day or two.     


    Monarch Butterfly

    Nothing much in the way of critique or constuctive comments to give other than to say I'm not an insect/bug fan, but I really like this one. It just seemed to pop out at me when the page loaded.
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