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Image Comments posted by CoryAmmerman

    iphone 083


    I have no idea how much money I've spent on cameras and lenses over the

    years. This is one of my favorite pictures and it was a casual snap taken with

    my iPhone on the way back to the condo after I was done taking "real" photos.

    Any thoughts and critiques are appreciated. Thanks

    Winter Tree


    Excellent picture Stephen.  Images like this one make me wish that it snowed more often here in the south, even though I'm not really made to handle cold temps very well.  I'm wondering if a lower angle of view might have added to this image by making the distant trees a bit more visible underneath the lower limbs and maybe adding a bit of depth to the image.  Just a thought.  Excellent capture as is.

  1. I like the composition of this image very much, but the lighting leaves a bit to be desired.  I don't know if it's possible for you to revisit this location, but if you could go at a time of day to get the light coming in low and from the left, you'd really have something special.  Additionally, maybe a bit wider framing to get more of the water in the shot, with a longer exposure to accentuate the motion, may or may not add a bit more interest to the scene.

  2. Hi Dan.  I like the glaciers as they are.  They add a bit of interest to that part of the frame.  I think I might have cropped this one a little tighter on the bottom and right side to remove a bit of the negative space and lighten the mood a bit, but that's just my opinion.  Nice capture as is. 

  3. My first impression...  What's outside the window?  All of the angles lead to the window and the chair reinforces this.  Makes me want to look out of the window and see what's there.  Not being able to see what's outside makes it a bit of a mystery (which is a good thing, I think).

    After Sunrise


    Very nice capture.  The only thing that I think would help would be a darker sky.  Maybe use a grad ND next time?  It's very nice as is, but I think that darkening the sky would place more emphasis on the foreground, which I feel is probably intended as the main subject.  Once again, very good work.

  4. I think that this shot would have been better if I had caught the guy

    in the kayak entering the frame, rather than exiting it, but he snuck

    up on me while I was changing lenses (of course). Also, I'm not sure

    about the birds. Should I leave them in or clone them out? Any other







    Steve... I'm thinking that Jack's heyday was probably around the time when those trucks in the background were new. By the looks of the place, they hadn't served any tamales in a while when I took the picture 3 or 4 years ago. Next time I get back that way, I plan to revisit this place and see if I can't get some better pics. Thanks for taking the time to look at some of my pictures.



    Taraxacum officinale


    excellent details. Having the subject backlit like that makes it appear to be shining with its own light. Just curious, did you get that low to the ground or just hold the dandelion in front of the camera? nice work.



    Gold Rush

    You did capture the sunny feeling, but I'm distracted from that by the large blob of out of focus flowers in the foreground. I think the picure would be more appealing if you cropped some of the bottom off. Out of focus objects usually look more natural in the background rather than the foreground.



    Found this tree groing out of some dirt that had collected on the

    basement stairs of a building I was shooting. I'm interested to hear

    what you guys think. I've only been shooting about 6 months, so any

    comments and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.



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