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Image Comments posted by cesarius

  1. I like the subjects, and the mood. But in this particular case you lacked a bit more of light, The guy is abarely visible and also the posing needed a bit more. But that's the humble opinion of a very very novice in all this...




    The expression and monalisa like smile are lovely. I also like the mood that the composition gives. Find the frame too distracting thou.



    Thank you for the comments. Well, i do have a close up shot of the face of the priest, but i really liked him in his enviromnent. As for the table and the icon, i should have been more careful, but it was an oportunity shot right before the mass mess (not sure how to write it, sorry) began




    He is the priest of the only rummanian ortodox church in Caracas. It's

    a beautiful construction made of wood (the church,not the priest) with

    was brougth piece by piece from thei'r homeland


    PLEASE CRITIQUE. I want to improve the only way to do so it's by your


  2. After some heavy rains in Caracas, the oldest cementary (more that 200

    years old) got flooded. I was documenting the aftermath when stumbled

    with this...


    Comentaries and critiques are most welcomed.

    The mother


    The South General Cementary is the oldest cementary in Caracas, with

    tumbs round two hundred years old. Many of them are beautiful works of

    art. Many of them are suffering the rigours of time and vandalism.

    Hopefully the movement to turn it into a Historical Site will succeed.


    Any critiques and comments are appreciated.

  3. This little guys are the only ones that i ever saw taking food from

    someones hand. They live in the Plaza Bolivar in Caracas, and everyone

    protects them, perhaps that's the reason why the feel safe enough to

    take food from human hands...


    Comments and critiques are most appreciated



    Well, in fact it is not me suffering for the art, it is a good friend of mine. Of course, no friends or bolts were harm in the making of this picture.


    As for the recommendation about color saturation, what do you think about this?





    Buen uso de la luz. La linea que logras con la sombra y el espaldar de la butaca es muy fluida. A pesar de ser una imagen estatica le da sensacion de movimiento. Me hubiera gustado que terminara en la esquina inferior izquierda. Pero igual me gusta la foto.
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