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Image Comments posted by frogwell

  1. I was in a hurry when taking this photo as access to the castle is

    dependent on the tide, which was coming in fast - I had to wade back

    as it was. On the original photo I think the shutter speed was too

    fast, a result of which is the picture was a little bit 'scrappy'

    looking. To get round that I added on a bit of blur to give it the

    effect of using a diffuser.


    I'm in two minds as to whether it worked or not, so comments,

    criticism and abuse welcome.

    Burning Sky


    I noticed the sky last night and rushed outside with the camera, but

    didn't have time to grab the tripod so the picture is hand held and a

    bit fuzzy.



    This was very hurriedly taken as I was being eaten alive by midges at

    the time. It was taken hand held, although ideally I would have

    liked to use the tripod to smooth out the river in the foreground.


    I'll probably be back there later in the year so any suggestions would

    be welcome.

  2. Thanks for the comments Nigel. The soft, slightly out of focus appearance is deliberate. I took a couple of shots using a diffuser filter and a couple of shots without. The shots with the filter were sort of what I was after but were poor quality, so I took the ones without the filter and then added the effect in photoshop.
  3. A great location, unfortunately a rather hurried photo. I didn't have

    a great deal of time to consider composition much and the camera was

    hand held. When I have a bit more time and I think I will go back and

    try again, so comments and suggestions for next time welcome.

  4. Stephen - very good point about the level of the pier, I had not considered that. Next time the conditions are right I might pop back and try the shot again with that in mind. the Loch is only a few miles down the road from me anyway.


    Bart - I think the darkness on the right it one of the things that's bothering me too. The light on left is pretty much all there is, and the rest of wasted.


    I think anyway. Not sure. That's why I'm on here asking of course :)


    Thanks people.

  5. Sorry, should have mentioned earlier actually - I did use a circular polariser and ND grad on this shot. The grad filter I had quite high in the holder though so it only really affected the top of the sky and the chimney.


    Stephen - unfortunately this shot is facing West so I would have had to wait till next morning to get the sun behind me :)

  6. Martin - good point, I think I would have had to have gone for more though, as to go for less would have meant cutting out some of the building. I could of course have photoshopped it out but that won't help my photography :)


    Stephen - the sun bothers me also. A lot of my pictures get like that I notice, and I can't find a way of stopping it unless I bracket it out, but that make the rest far too dark. I could of course take two exposures and merge them together. Again, not really helping my photography though.


    Thanks for the comments folks. Appreciated :)

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