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Posts posted by gulfbeach47

  1. <p>Hi Gang, I appreciate the feedback. I also posted this same thread at another photo community and someone recommended a store in the USA which claims to be the worlds largest online camera parts store. I had never heard of them, but they have a very large inventory of camera parts at their website. I found what appears to be the genuine Nikon part at their website. The part and shipping appears to be only $9.18 cents, but I sent them a question to confirm that is was the genuine Nikon part but did not get a reply, so I will have to wait until Monday, unless someone comes across a better price.<br /> I want to post the name of the company and see if any of you have ever dealt with them, but I'm concerned that I would be breaking a Pnet rule. The company has been in business for over 25 years and got good ratings at resellerratings.<br /><br /><br />Frank- Thanks for the tip. I tried putting another small item in my cart just to see shipping and sure enough it was also $9.50. Ridiculous!<br /><br />Craig- The 10 pin socket is my main concern, but I want both covered. I live on the gulf coast and deal with a lot of salt spray, plus occasional trips to the desert and dusty areas. I also do a lot of night pics, so I depend on the 10 pin socket a lot. The rubber caps broke off a couple of months ago, so I have been only using my other D300 when at the beach. I have had my share of electronic problems with my Nikons, so I prefer to keep them covered. <br /><br />Stephen- I was curious if those hard plastic screws easy to deal with, especially at night.. in the cold… on the beach? I'm figuring I would be dropping the screw and losing it. That is why I was gonna order two pair if I went that route, until I got another rubber part.<br /><br />Rodeo Joe- Thanks for the super glue tip, but the covers are gone. I don't know where they broke off or I would try your suggestion. I love to save money:)<br />What about the "bottom cover rubber" where the quick release plate attaches to bottom of camera? The rubber is starting to curl. I was gonna order one of those from the same company, since they are $6.32 for a genuine Nikon part. Some of those off brand bottom rubber covers come with a sticky side. I cannot tell if the Nikon part does, but kind of worried about using super glue to try and fix old bottom cover rubber and botching the repair. <br />I know what you mean about clearance for a screw-in cover. I finally got a wireless remote that I am very happy with, but it is tight squeeze when screwing into the 10 pin socket.</p>
  2. <p>Original rubber part broke off my D300. Nikon says the D300S part is the same as D300. It sells for only $2.80 cents, but they have been out of stock for a few weeks and could not tell me when they will get them in again. http://parts.nikonusa.com/en/nikon-products/product/dslr-parts/d300s-sync%252f10-pin-rubber-cap.html<br /><br />Have searched until my neck hurts and the best deal I could find was $15.00 at an online site and that is too much of a markup.<br /><br />Until Nikon gets the part in, I was thinking of buying a pair (or two) of these inexpensive caps, but some get bad reviews due to poor fit, quality etc.. Has anyone ever tried the caps? If so, can you recommend a legitimate seller in the USA? I found a set for $5.00 but that I will go with if no better suggestions. <br /><br /><br />Thanks in advance!</p>
  3. <p><a href="/photodb/user?user_id=3828976">John Kent Hill</a> thanks for your reply. I followed your directions and went to <a href="/pvt/alerts">edit</a> | <a href="/pvt/unsubscribe">unsubscribe</a>.<br /><br />I clicked unsubscribe and got this: You are current marked as being on vacation until March 22, 2016. If you'd like to start receiving email alerts again, just tell us that you're back.<a href="/pvt/set-on-vacation-to-null.tcl"><br /></a><br>

    <strong>It did nothing to stop the Spam Attack emails. Now over 500 spam messages. Currently, I just received a fresh batch of spam. Around 25 alerts in five minutes.<br /><br /></strong><br />A couple of legitimate emails are also getting through. Before I did the unsubscribe, I did not get an alert for your reply or my original post, even though I had clicked, Notify Me Of Responses.<br /><br /><br />Also, I originally posted on <strong>Casual Photo Conversations</strong> very early this morning, in hopes of getting more feedback, plus to share with others. Without any notification, my thread was moved to <strong>Site Help</strong>, a forum that not as many members probably check out. I think I visited <strong>Site Help</strong> for the first time during the last massive attack in March.<br /><br /><br /><strong>If Administration or Moderators know of another way to disable email alerts, please let us members know. I do not want any emails until these attacks are over. <em>I almost deleted a very important document that was hidden in the spam emails.</em></strong></p>

  4. <p>Another wave of spam attack has begun. So far it is coming from <strong>Digital Darkroom</strong>. Is there a simple way to turn off ALL alerts until I feel like turning them back on again? There has to be a simple off and on type switch for members to click?<br /><br />Sorry if this is the wrong forum, but I asked this at the beginning of March when we were flooded with hundreds of emails, but did not get a reply. That thread was at the <strong> Site Help</strong> Forum. http://www.photo.net/site-help-forum/00dmCf?start=10 <br>

    <br />Since I did not get an answer last time, I went and tried to disable "Your existing alerts" but I am confused as to how that works. I'm guessing that was just alerts that I already had and not the new ones? <br />At any rate, I want to stop the spam. I have never dealt with spam this bad. Very annoying and time consuming. <br />Thanks in advance, John</p>

  5. <p>I didn't click on any of the links, but just spent over a half hour deleting hundreds of them. Very annoying. Much worse then the last time Pnet had this problem. Was worried that it was my computer, since I only saw 1 or 2 real messages mixed in all this garbage. <br /><br />For future reference…. is there a way to disable ALL my Photo.net alerts until the problem is fixed. I see a page where I can disable/enable forums and threads, but is there a One Click to turn off everything coming from Pnet?</p>

    <p>Edit- A new wave of them are coming in my inbox right now.</p>

  6. <p>I have an apple in my fridge. It was left over from a 6,000 mile road trip about a year ago. I was just not in the mood for an apple after eating quite a few on the trip. Amazing that it looked fresh until about 2 weeks ago. Ya think it has some preservatives in it? Anyway, it has started to turn brown and wrinkling. I think it is about ready for some still life pics. I need the email or phone number of the European businessman:)</p>
  7. <p>Try a little more exposure time, but of course you will need to remain still and this will affect other objects in the photo. Sitting or using something to brace you from moving will help. Also shooting with full moon light can help cut down on exposure time. Have you tried wider aperture? Bump up the ISO, but on some cameras higher ISO and longer exposure will create more noise.</p>
  8. <p>Most times I have the Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8 on my camera. I have the aching neck and shoulder to prove it:) <br />Before I bought it, I asked for advice here at Pnet and other links. I was warned that it was too big and heavy, but quality was excellent. Both were true. The 24-70 has been very good to me... but as I get older, it wears me out during a 1-3 hour shoot, especially if I have the Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 VR slung over the other shoulder. Sometimes when carrying them both, I get severe pain in my lower left side, between the hips and ribs. Mentioned it to my doctor, but he did not have an answer.</p>
  9. <p>For a family portrait session, I typical shoot 150- 200 images. Number of images shot for other projects are usually less.<br />Customer views unedited images at my website. From the website, I offer X amount of edited images for X amount of dollars. If they want additional images, they pay X amount per image. Remember that editing can be time consuming when doing your pricing.<br />I sell them digital format, but they can also order prints online at my website.</p>
  10. <p>The point was.... would a Canon of withstood the fall? (joking of course).<br /><br />Funny that Matt mentioned getting in shape for hiking, altitude adjustments etc....<br />I'm now in my early 60's and due to injury and other various reasons have lost a lot of my endurance.<br />Last year, while on a road-trip to Goblin Valley, Great Sand Dunes National Park and a few other places, I found myself getting pretty tired on my hikes and not getting as far away from my vehicle as I used to. I promised that before I take a road-trip this year, I am gonna get in better shape, by at least walking a mile or so everyday, but I keep finding excuses to not get started. <br />I'm guessing a few of us are being seduced to take a trip with the low gas prices. Big difference on a 6,000 mile trip, when gas is a dollar less a gallon! A couple of local gas stations have dipped under $2.00 a gallon and it sounds like it will drop some more, unless Big Oil comes up with another excuse to bump it again.</p>
  11. <p>A tourist uploaded a video of what could happen if an elephant interrupts your brunch. Instagram user Shane Wolf said, "I love these amazing animals and still do, the land is theirs and we must respect this," Wolf added "amazingly my @NikonUSA camera survived." Watch close at 2:10 mark during slow motion. Wolf said, "the elephant which had poor eyesight was startled when it walked upon us." <br />It then swung its trunk and knocked them both out of their chairs.<br />ABC news said that their guide told them not to move and DO NOT turn around and look at the elephant. <br />They looked:) I'm thinking I would also turn and look if a young bull was coming up behind me. <a href="

  12. <p>Wouter, thanks for the detailed reply! At the rate I am going I doubt I will not reach 150k with these 2 bodies. I have cut back on covering Events and Sports, so shooting a lot less during the last couple of years. Is there an "updated" link that list the MTBF for all Nikons? <br />What about Canon and other brands in case non-Nikon folks check out the thread?<br />While doing a search for Nikon MTBF, I came across another Pnet link on the topic (for the D7000.) It was also rated at 150k. http://www.photo.net/nikon-camera-forum/00YXIA<br />Ps... Sorry for my delayed reply.</p>
  13. <p>Thanks Michael Kohan. I never knew about Preview's Inspector and all the info it contained!<br>

    I don't want to hi-jack Chuck's topic, but I have a related shutter count question. I have 35,000 snaps on one D300 and 21,000 on the other one. I'm guessing this is pretty low? <br />Just sent one in for minor repair at the beginning of the year and as usual Murphy's Law kicked in with Nikon repair. Had to send it back 2 more times. What a pain.<br /><br /></p>

  14. <p><em>Experienced Hiker Killed by Grizzly Bear in Yellowstone</em><br /><br />Even the experienced need to be cautious and respect wildlife. "The Montana man was a long-term seasonal employee of Medcor, the company that operates three urgent care clinics in Yellowstone. An experienced hiker, he had worked and lived in Yellowstone for five seasons. His body was partially eaten and covered." http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/08/us/yellowstone-grizzly-bear-attack-hiker-dead-feat/index.html</p>
  15. <p>Oops... I meant to say...Looks like they DO NOT post room rates on their website. <br />I see that Gatlinburg now has a Motel 6 and current price is around $60.00 if the info is correct. I tried to check "in season" price, but could not get link to work. Might be my computer. Enjoy your trip.</p>
  16. <p>Have not been there since 1980, so I would not be much help. Recent comments at Trip Advisor for Headrick's River Breeze Hotel are mostly very positive. Looks like they post room rates on their website. Rate from Trip Advisor comment posted in 2014- "$74 per night, including tax, for off season (early November), mid-week stay." <br /><br />I vaguely remember Gatlinburg being kind of pricy, so I stayed in Knoxville or somewhere in that area. Best Cove memory is asking a buddy to pose by some skunks that were looking for food by some trash cans. He tried to get close, but the skunks started "running backwards" after him. They had their tails raised, ready to shoot. I was laughing so hard, I did not get a photo.</p>
  17. <p>Quite a few links out there suggesting graphite, as Anthony suggested.<br />WD-40, vaseline or anything oily is gonna attract more dust and sand. Those that live near the beach know how hard it is to keep sand off their gear. If I drop my lens cap in the sand, I can usually blow the sand off. If I miss some particles, I'm guessing the oily lubricants would act like a magnet for sand, dust etc... <br /> <br /><br /><br /></p>
  18. <p>Jairo, Great blog and photos. Had to chuckle when I saw the people line-up at Mesa arch. I'm hoping to return to Utah, Arizona, Yellowstone and all points in between in October. The mystic and beauty of this part of the country is addicting. Last summer, I finally made it to Goblin Valley and Great Sand Dunes National Park. Goblin seems like your on another planet. Great Sand Dunes is worth a look, if you don't mind hiking up very high dunes.<br /> I'm expecting to drive 6 or 7 thousand miles, since I am driving from the gulf coast.</p>
  19. <p>My thread got moved from Casual Photo Conversations to here in the dead zone. Meanwhile the spammer has tripled his postings. His name is listed as rainre bower, but that name is not showing up on PNet's member list. <strong>Could a moderator let us know what is going on?<br /><br />It is safe to click on attachment. It is just a screen shot of some of the spam postings at Pnet. <br />Or, are all these threads real?<br /></strong></p><div>00dNoD-557542584.jpg.6617a66107543b40a217c523c459f2fe.jpg</div>
  20. <p>1. I'm getting lots of spam emails from photo.net lately in my inbox. They are coming in groups and the subject line is made up of symbols and letters. Anyone else?<br />I don't dare click on the links. I thought that maybe it was on my end, but after checking, I saw one similar thread was at the Business Forum. It has been deleted.<br />Is there a solution in the near future?<br />Did a search and Michael Chang started a thread on this topic back in Sept. 2014 but the discussion was closed. http://www.photo.net/site-help-forum/00cq85<br /><br /><strong>Part 2. Is there a FREE link that can verify an email address? </strong>I searched today and found a few, but how do I know if the sites are legitimate? Please read below.<br /><br />Today I received an email (unrelated to the Pnet emails above) that is very tempting, but they did not leave any contact info, so it raised the red flag.<br />Message was: <strong>Do you take pictures in Perdido key?</strong><br />I live at Perdido Key and have done a lot of photos for chamber, ad agencies, media etc.. so part of me wants to think that someone needs photos:) <br />I also do family beach portraits and some folks do not leave much info during initial contact.<br />Only contact info I have is the return email addy> <strong>prfassistant@bellsouth.net</strong><br />I'm too paranoid to reply. I did searches on the addy but no luck. I even tried 2 of those sites to verify an email address. One site said it was a valid addy, but did not offer any contact info. <br />Another link said the addy was BAD. So, I typed in my own addy and it said mine was bad also. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.</p><div>00dNnX-557540484.jpg.9cd64272e28b9cfae3f46aaa515a9935.jpg</div>
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