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Image Comments posted by hac911

    The Lagoon Nebula


    Thanks Lalik. I used 2 images, made of 8 images each. THat way, I was working with fewer open files and layers in photoshop. I had problems getting thesecond set perfectly aligned. Afterward , I remembered how to correct for the rotation of the image (essentially transforming the image and moving the point of rotation directly on a point star, then moving the second layer to directly overlap this star and then rotate image until the other stars line up). It was off about 1-2 pixels. Maybe I will "restack" the picture.


    Thanks for looking.


    The Lagoon Nebula


    Hi Steve. The camera is not modified. I Used a Baader sky glow filter. SHort exposures (say under 2 minutes) the image is more purple in color). As exposure time increased , the red became dominant.I used about 7-8 minute exposures.


    The lagoon is easily seen with Binoculars, as are many of the other objects in that part of sky.


    Last Night's Moon

    Hi Brian. I think your capture is very good. You could try adjusting the white balance or simply a curves adjustment (photoshop) to really bring out more the detail/ contrast.Your focus seems good and no evidence of motion. I have found shooting the moon as it gets to be about half moon more difficult as it becomes so bright. You could use a filter if desired to improve contrast as well.

    M65 Trio


    Hi Lannie. I used the Orion 80ED which has focal length of 600mm, added a 1.4 APO sigma teleconverter between Tube and Camera to add a little length. Focus seemed sharp enough. I tried this on my 8 inch reflector which has focal length of 1000mm but all images seemed a little soft on focus. But the Orion80ED is a great all around tube.


    Take care,






  1. Hi Lannie. I prefer the Orion80ED. Guiding the Meade can be less than perfect if there is a breeze, whereas the Orion 80ED I can shoot with modest wind, and still end up with a decent picture. Of course smaller objects best shot thru the larger tube.
  2. Lannie, I think you are correct about needing a good mount. If I were to advise anyone on purchasing equipment, I'd encourage spending the money on a good mount like the Losmandy, which should last a lifetime. Once polar aligned, it tracks exceptionally well. As the Orion 80ED scope shows, you can take pretty decent images with a relatively inexpensive telescope.




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