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Image Comments posted by david_jewett1



    This photograph surprises me. It's really cold and very sensual. I don't like the composition really in itself, but it works for this image.

    I looked at your gallery, and I find it remarkable. I presume that many of your images are self portraits. As such, you have a great subject to work with and are very talented in capturing your own beauty.


    I very much like the way this photograph is composed/cropped. The sky looks great here, maybe a little dark but it works. The tree balances nicely with the photographer. Well done.

    USA matches 2

    I like the composition. What I really would like here is a lens shift to bring the right side into focus. A lensbaby could pull this off. If you could get that last match in focus and bursting into flame this would be really good. Given the right camera, a huge supply of matches, and the time to fail over and over again this has the potential to be spectacular.
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