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Image Comments posted by michael_medwid

    My girl

    I really like the lighting in your picture. It yields smooth tone transitions. And your girl is not overly "say cheese". :-) Nice and natural. Not chopping off the top of her head in the picture would be the main improvement IMHO. Was that intentional?

    Ball Thingy 1


    Haha - I left the white area on the left because I am learning from good pointers like that one (and some laziness.) I just hadn't thought about it. :-)


    Here's a corrected version..

    Ball Thingy 2

    Wow..from a 2/2 to a pair of 6/6s. If you hate it or like it I'd appreciate hearing the why's of either. No offense is taken for a drubbing - really!! :-)

    Mr. Sloth

    We stayed in this amazingly cool treehouse. The walls of the main living space and bathroom were completely open to the jungle. So it was like one big nature observation port. One morning the boys had climbed up on the bathroom counter to watch the big colorful crabs that were common and they announced the sloth which was on the ground at first. The sloth was just a few feet away. So hiking or effort required. :-)

    Manzanillo Horses


    I only got two shots of them and both were on this side of the trees. I early had seen one on the beach rolling in the sand like a dog. :-) But no photo of that.


    Regarding the plants and all - I just had to take what i could take. They don't take orders too well. One thing I like about the plants in the foreground is that there's a 3-dimensionality. But the criticism is well taken. I enjoy this site and getting to read a lot of critics and getting to see a lot of good and bad pictures. :-)

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