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Image Comments posted by annaland



    It's fantastic. It doesn't show the extensive time and labor you put into it which is a good thing, and it was so worth your effort. It's simple and expressive, at the same time it's endlessly interesting in it's shape, edges, colors, negative space, composition, etc. Love the stem separation too.


    I've always thought about doing images of apples. It's the ur-icon--A is for apple: it's there when we start to read. We sin with it, separate the sexes with it, aquire knowledge and lose paradise with it when Eve tempts Adam. We look at art with it--it's always the first drawing assignment, isn't it? We link our health to it with an apple a day and rosy apple cheeks, and it's a image in my personal history as an artist. If I do start using the apple in my work I'll always have this one in my mind.

    Linge in Lisboa

    I just looked at it with the rooftop cropped off and I think the photo becomes more ordinary that way. When I scroll my browser back down so that the rooftop is again visible, the photo becomes strange, mysterious and disorienting. The wall looks like the floor, the roof looks like the inside of an awning, but the perspective is not quite right. It is impossible to know where this exists. I think having the roofline visible makes for a better photo.



    Hi Rosa,

    I hope you will think again about using frames for your photos. I think they work completely differently on a computer screen than on a wall. On a computer, I have always found frames to be very distracting. For me, they become part of the photo and compete for attention - I see the white of the clouds and then my eye goes to the white of the frame instead of down to the ground. This frame is not so bad but I don't think it's needed. You want people to look at just your photographic image. Your work is so strong that it doesn't need any embellishment.


    But even if you put frames on every photo I will still look at your work with joy.



    Thanks David. It looks better in a number of areas. I wouldn't have thought to either burn the corners or to burn in the back of the hands and fingers. What is local contrast enhancement?


    I noticed that in the shadows of the photo you put up the gradient isn't quite smooth. Is that my camera? I've always had trouble with shadows.


    I'm always trying to preserve the detail in skin but I lose pop. Do you have any suggestions?



    Not quite a portrait but I really couldn't figure out in which category to post it. If you think

    you can improve this technically please tell me how.


    Oh my goodness, that's lovely. I like the way the sky comes down into the landscape because it's usually the opposite; the mountains invade the sky. The bright turquoise blue of the sky is the best part for me. I think you made the right decision not emphasize the ground and mountains. They would have competed with the sky and the sky is what this photo is all about.


    When I first looked at it quickly I thought that the figure was a female. It was a surprise to notice that the underwear was tiger-striped and then, yes, it's a male. I think the ambiguity of the figure adds to the photo's interest. I like very much the way you use large under- or over-exposed areas. It feels as if your photo is of a half-hidden world.

    "Mi mascota"

    The range of tones is excellent as is the emotional impact of the photo. There are many details that make this photo even more interesting: the strong composition with it's many shapes and diagonals, the flower repeated in the towel and the girl's shirt, the strap of the shirt falling onto the shoulder, the eyes of both girl and rabbit closed, the shape of the dark hair in one corner and the shape of the white blanket in the other corner, the triangle formed by the girl's one spread finger.


    I love the deep vivid colors and the contrast. It's fascinating the way you use the depth of field; it's very unusual in a landscape and works exceptionally well. I also like the blank white rectangle of the truck window. This is a really great photo!


    I think it's better with the backs of heads. Nice photo. Great colors, composition and range of tones. With this particular photo I'd aim for sharper detail.


    Beautiful tones. Great kid. And, damn it, it's not centered. There's a little more room to the left. It's perfect the way it is.
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