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Posts posted by andre_hassid

  1. I suspect that since Fuji builds the camera, that they will distribute whatever mask is necessary to get widespread availability of labs that process this dual format film properly.




    Does anyone know if Fuji builds the lenses as well as the body for Hassleblad?




    I wonder if Fuji will be imported into the US by Fuji. If not, will B&H and others make it available as a grey market item?

  2. I recently read a review of the new Hassleblad x-pan dual format 35mm camera. I'm interested in people's thoughts on the advantages of the panoramic mode of this camera compared to using medium format cameras (I use a Fuji and Rollei). Hassleblad mentioned in the review that this camera was an attempt to bring medium format to 35mm users. I guess they meant because the negative was 80% wider than a standard 35mm it provides a little of medium format's larger negative advantage. But what focal length lens would you need on a 645 format camera in order to get the width that the new Hassleblad provides in the panoramic mode.










  3. I used the Fuji 645GA for about 2 months. It's a nice camera with a very sharp lens. The Autofocus is very noisy, and the shutter is very quiet. I found the combination a bit unerving. Too often I was left not knowing if I had taken the picture or not. My pictures turned out fine, but for me the combination of delay in the shutter snapping the picture with the nearly imperceptible sound of the shutter (even with the optional chirp setting) did not leave me with confidence that I had taken a picture of what I wanted. This problem may be unique to me. In every other respect the camera is great, and I would recomend it highly. The construction is solid, the lens is beautiful, and the built in flash is very handy. The ability to print exposure information directly on the negative (outside the picture area) is a wonderful feature I have seen on no other camera.
  4. I purchased a Fuji Folder a couple of years ago, and found out it had a light leak in the bellows as well. It cost me $120 to get a new one, but it was well worth it. I notice that more pictures taken with the Fuji Folder end up on my wall than with any other camera. The lens is very sharp, the camera is extremely portable, and it handles very well. I enjoy this camera and my Rolleiflex TLR more than any other camera I have used.
  5. I have not had the same experience with Tiffen filters. I've used Hoya, Tiffen, Pentax, B & W, and other filters. I find they all work fine. No flare, no perceptible distortion or loss of sharpness. Shutterbug recently had an article comparing various filter brands. As I recall they found that none of the filters affected picture quality. I think this is one of those areas, that people allow their wallets rather than their eyes to influence their opinions.
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