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Image Comments posted by miha2

  1. huh, thanx for the nice an constructive critic, all things are true (well i'd maybe leave the dof as it is) the problem about make up is that we did it by ourselves,.. and when i tryed to crop with the nose line didn't like it because it turned up kind of too simetrical.


    best regards..




    thanx for the comments,.. this shot was taken on a pretty nice "instalation" called water mirror, where a thin film of water on a surface acts like a mirror and reflects nicely, needles to say that it's a welcome refreshment in the summer heat



    haha that's funny Michael, I deliberately saturated those people in the back a little, since this was ment for a bigger print,.. but got the same response on another forum,.. people saying that those people are a little to distracting,..

    thanx for the critique

    best regards

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