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thomas t

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Posts posted by thomas t

  1. Stephen:


    I can't see the entire frame as well, but for 40mm purposes I have not found it to be too troublesome. For 35mm, it might be, I don't know. It is a bit more tedious to be sure. But I'm not willing to try LASIK yet, so I'm out of luck regarding sticking to glasses :-) Regarding new account, I seem to get an inordinate number of SPAM emails lately and I suspect it might be from the old account. hope that helps. regards

  2. My guess is top Nokton, bottom Leica. And genuinely no offense to "bokeh" enthusiasts, but all it shows is that, all things being equal, one lens seems to be sharper than the other wide open (assuming Mike's concern about plane of focus is not at work here). this is already verified by the same subject photos from this test:




    More importantly, how often do we really worry about the "bokeh" of HCB or Harvey, McCurry or Nachtwey's work? ;-) 2 of whom don't even use Leicas, and one used the Contax sonnar 1.5 for much of his body of work . They sure don't (didn't) miss the leica glow. regards

  3. The 17-40 L is a great lens, sharp throughout its range. On the question of speed, how often do you shoot at 2.8? For travel, I suspect you will be able to get by with f/4 for most of your shots. For those low-light situations, use your 50 f/1.8. I also shoot with a Voigtlander 21mm f/4 (leica mount) during travel, and I have not felt the loss of that one stop. good luck
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