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Image Comments posted by charleshall

  1. Believe it or not I actually think that the seagull makes the whole picture, without it I don't think that it's as good. I have a few shots without it and this one just seemed to stand out to me.

    Fenced In

    The funny thing is that it's actually rolled-up barbed wire. I guess it was just a logical place to leave it? I can't help but be amazed by the things I find laying around in the middle of nowhere. Thanks again for feedback etc. Charles

    Fenced In

    Yeah I guess I didn't really know what to make of the foreground, I do like the crop, I'm just not sure if the photo makes the same statement without it. That being the idea of having a bunch of fenced in rocks. Either way you cut it I suppose. Thanks for the comments and edit. Charles
  2. I guess I'm torn over the use of black and white when color has everything to do with the bus. Although the lack of color could obviously symbolize the removal of the buses etc. I suppose it might be interesting to see the bus red with the rest of the photo desaturated or even the other way around. Anyway you look at it, wonderful shot...
  3. Wandered out to the docks on one of the wettest days so far this year.

    The local fisherman finally began the season following a dispute over

    what would be paid per pound of crab. The initial offer was around

    1.15 per pound and they finally agreed to 1.75. The Imperial was

    loaded with fresh crabs following a rough day at sea.


    I haven't used any sort of tripod shooting a concert but I have certainly shot at shutter speeds below 1/250, I even go to 1/20th handheld or lower if I can rest the camera on the stage or a post. I like the shot, but as you have seen with mine, I have a hard time with the safe shots. They just don't do much for me.
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