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Posts posted by fr_mann_kjer_lf1

  1. I got a canon 20d and a 10-22mm lens on it.


    I am about to make an order from bhphotovideo.com and am looking for a good bag for

    it. Something like the EH-17L would be good, but I don't think it will fit. A bag which

    allows quick access the the camera and just small enough to protect the camera.


    Also I am looking for a good backpack that can hold my camera, few lenses and a 17"


  2. I am wondering what are you favourite classic cameras? I am both interested in those who

    you like just because of the style of the camera, and also the ones you like because of the

    image quality they produce.


    A personal favourite of mine is the Rolleiflex, although I have yet to get one myself. I'we

    been looking for the perfect one for some time. I think the feeling you get when you look

    into the camera makes a lot of difference, what I am looking for is some kind of a blured

    image, saw this in one model which I havent found again. Gave me the feeling like I was

    looking into a dream.


    But what I wonder is if the image quality varies much between different Rolleis?

  3. Thank you guys for all your answers. Although you talk about high prices, then the prices

    are definately not as high as in the place where I come from, Iceland. It's very rare to find

    some old cameras here, and if you do, then they are all rediculously high priced.


    I also am interested in hearing what are your favourite old camera?

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