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Posts posted by gioacchino_formuso

  1. "Despite all those other photo sites, folks seem to stick here. Even though they complain all the time, they stay here. I wonder why?"


    Bob, the usual answer to complains. You run away from anything you're criticizing? I think no. But it doesn't mean staying with one thing you're not allowed to criticize it. And to continue if the problems are not going away or are simply IGNORED.

    Do you how much people did come and go away because they didn't like it? You see only the complainers but not the ones which fade away without saying anything.


    For example I'm a new user to photo.net and yes I found a lot of good stuff here that I can't find on other pages. I'm glad not founding some sort of of kindish threads as on other pages. But I also see the problems which I have live with and I mention them. It's your right to ignore them. The decision whether I stay or not isn't still done. Maybe you're not interested in new people. But then you shouldn't complain if you can't get preproduction lenses from Canon as you complained in another thread. If you can offer the numbers of visitors you're not interesting for Canon. Simple, isn't it? You can't have both. You have always to make compromises. Also photo.net shouldn't rest on his laurels because one day it will find itself still sticking with the same people and wondering where time has gone.


    It's a good page but it doesn't mean there isn't nothing to improve. Done in the right matter keeping up the good stuff, attracting new people, not offending existing one ...


    Saluti Gioacchino

  2. "Those OTHER sites have big search boxes with circles and arrows around them. We prefer to use a more discrete approach."


    Maybe the other ones have big search boxes but they work out. Another approach? Yes, a none working one.

    Search for: Firefox server

    You will get 3 links. None of them points to


    Another example? Look for Mozilla. Among the results you won't find


    You have to look manually for them.

    Yes, I did report these errors to the admin. No answers.


    Old looking maybe not, that's not the problem. A working site with Firefox I would like to have. In the first link is reported "the problem is fixed". I wrote to the admin that it isn't fixed. No answers. And still I can't access it every time ... with Firefox.

    Design for sure is not the first goal but a working site ... with established standards.

    Sorry, for the rant but sometimes a "we like the old style" smells of "we don't want to upgrade" because it means a lot of work.

    Having running a page means also to update this page sometimes. This doesn't mean following every new trend. But times are changing. Also for photo.net.


    Saluti Gioacchino

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