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Image Comments posted by bengt1664878721

  1. Thank goodness! This gallery of yours has now become an island of sanity in a sea of folly and bullshit, and this photograph in particular is a critical reminder of what - after all - it is all about. (An apt reminder on a site that used to be all about the photograph, but where it is currently nigh on impossible for a photographer to present his work, and for others to find and view it.)

    Bridge Vignette


    There was something vexing about that guy in the first photo I saw him, now he`s positively creeping me out. The picture itself has that same disturbing, uncanny atmosphere.



    Now that you say it I see it too, Mark, though that was not my original vision of this scene. I see much more life than death here, but perhaps it`s because I will it that way. (Of course, you can`t have one without the other.) Though you`ve introduced a snake into my paradise, still I`m glad you`re stopping by, Mark ;-)

  2. I love this. I get the feeling I am looking at the photographic equivalent of a laboratory experiment  - at the forefront of some science where things are not yet fully known or understood, but holding great promise... A photographer`s photograph.



    I know what you mean. That state of limbo always leaves me feeling homeless and depressed, and it takes a day or two to tune back in, as you say. I would guess it`s even more acutely so in your case, being an expatriate. And it strikes me that this, the being between worlds or the being attuned and at home, is at the forefront of both your work and mine, thematically.



    The all too mundane transformed by the able photographer to a feast for the eyes and the imagination - right now: a bird of prey spreads its wings with a watchful eye over the craggy landscape...

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