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Image Comments posted by revjim



    I was lucky enough to catch the switching of the paddles at a

    perfect time. Just starting to switch, and their timing is very

    good so that most the paddles are roughly at the same position. I

    popped the red, yellow, cyan and blue to pop them at bit. Again, I

    was handholding on a boat. The conditions were just starting to get

    rough. The swells at thos point are just about 1 foot, the mens

    race that started an hour later, was having swells in the 4-6 foot

    range. I also like the determined look of the stroker (seat 1) on


  1. The photo was taken around 3:00 in the afternoon, so the lighting

    was almost directly behind the paddler because of how the break

    water is built for this harbor enterance. Picture has been

    sharpened and the color saturation increased. Picture was taken

    with 1d mk II and 400 2.8 handheld, no IS. Iso 800 used.

    Up and Over


    I like how I was able to capture the paddler just before hitting the

    water. The spash in the back is from another paddler. I was using

    the high speed advance, so I caught the sequence from just starting

    to get out of his seat until you just see some legs in the water.

    ISO 800, f8, 1/2500, 500 f4, handheld and no iso. As mentioned in

    the tech details, I try not to use a mono or tripod as I found that

    it makes it hard to move around quickly in the boat. Also, if you

    try to use one to steady, you can not compensate for any movement.

    I found that getting at 1/2500 captures the action the best. 1/1600

    is the minimum but do need some be in a patch of calm water to catch

    it. Also the canoes are moving at about 7-9 mph thru the water.

    Since Iso 800, it is much more grainier but you capture much more

    moments .

    Singapore Mascot


    Tried to give a bit of a twist from the standard flat view of the

    merlion. I only wish the sunset would have co-operated to give a

    bit more color in the sky, but that is how singapore is at times.



    Just love how everything plays here together. The compression of the

    500 makes it look more serious than it was, but everything just plays

    get together, and I was by God's grace that I was at a good POV when

    this wipeout occured.

  2. This was taken at the same race as the perfect timing photo in this

    group. The expression is great on both of them, and having the arch

    in the kid's back even more just add's some life to the photo. You

    get the feeling that they are both enjoying this and it is a special

    moment for them, which is what I hoped to capture here. Only

    manipulations are Unsharpen mask, and a slight bump in saturation.

    Perfect Timing


    I think that this is balanced well with the other paddler off to the

    left. Having some splash also adds to the picture. This was hand

    held with a 500 f4 IS (is off). I had to adjust the shadow

    highlights to get the faces a bit lighter. I love their timing,

    even though this is nearly 90 minutes into the race, they are still

    on track.

    Morning Dew


    Just love the colors that are involved here. Mostly all shades of

    green with some yellow and a dash of red. I also like how it fades

    from sharpness to blur, I don't think this would be as effective if

    more of the needles/branch were in focus.

    Northwest Passage


    Driving along the Clearwater River, I finally found a place that

    gave me the mirror effect I was looking for. I wish the sky would

    have been clear, but do like the dramatics of the overcast. Shot on

    a tripod, mirror lock, 100 iso, and timer.



    The 9-man season has started in Southern California, and we were

    able to have the photo boat stay with a club so that we can catch an

    exchange. Comments on the one I did for last year want to see more

    of the paddler coming in while the other was exiting, and I was able

    to do that with the 1d mk II. In addition, I forget to add in the

    technical details that this was taken while hand holding the 500mm

    f4 lens. It's too hard to use tripod or monopod, as you need to

    compensate for the rocking of the boat.

    Rooster Tail


    While on the boat shooting the race, I was lucky enough to catch

    this shot. I like the balance between the rooster tail of water on

    the left, and the paddler digging in to turn on the right. I was

    trying to catch the turn sequence, but got really got the added

    bonus of the water coming off the paddle.

    Up. Up and Away.


    Not all the time do you get a canoe that will be out of the water all

    the way to the third seat, as that is near the 1/2 point of the

    canoe. They were able to control the canoe and not flip over. This

    was a reaction shot, and just was able to turn around, focus and


  3. This is a co-ed team that is launching from Santa Barbara's East

    Beach. The trick is to time it right so that you really can make it

    out without too much trouble. Since they are experienced paddlers,

    they were able to keep the canoe from turning over. Luckiky it was

    warm that day, and the water was somewhat warm by california


  4. Taking photos for the outrigger race in San Diego. There where as

    many as 60+ odd boats racing up to crystal pier. I was in a support

    boat and was able to go across the pack and catch this shot.

  5. I like how all the colors play off of each other in this shot. I

    opened up the FSTOP to 4.5 to give a little more DOF. The greens

    being on the dark side really help bring out the white flowers. The

    red ones give an interesting background instead of being all green.

  6. Just love the colors for this pub. I was lucky enough that there

    wasn't alot of car traffic around. I did want to catch the elderly

    gentelman walking in front of it. I also wanted to capture the slant

    of the street in relation to the pub. This is abit subtle but there

    is a clue as to why the pub is named as it is.

  7. Even though a bit hard to capture on film, I love way the sunlight

    plays on this cottage at the park near the palace. Cropped down just

    slightly to take out person on right side. Did crop instead of

    clone. Also tried to tone down the whites a bit.

    Queen's Garden


    Was able to isolate this flower from the rest of the same kind that

    was in a specific area. I had to photoshop some of the flowers

    around the main one, as even though with a wide aperature, they were

    too in focus and distracted from this one. I love the color I was

    able to capture on this as well. Used the saturated color setting

    for the rgb type on the 1d MK II.

  8. I wanted to give the sweeping effect of the path past the tree and

    the house. Day was cloudy so not as much color saturation. Tweaked

    a bit with saturation and color under DPP. Do not have access to

    photoshop as just downloading from camera onto laptop equiped with


  9. While waiting for our numbered to be called at the Fisherman's

    restaurant in San Clemente. We were strolling upon the pier where

    the restaurant is located, and came upon this pelican hanging out on

    the rail. A fisherman is located just to the right of him, and this

    guy was waiting for the fisherman to bring up a fish. This guy was

    friendly in the fact that you could get real close to him, and he

    wouldn't fly away. When the fisherman caught a fish, this guy would

    get all excited and get next to the fisherman to wait for him to give

    him the fish.

    Park Settings


    Like the reflection in the water. Only wish it was truely nice and

    clean. Also like the symmetry of the buildings. Taken from

    Kodachrome. Tweaked color, hue and saturation to restore the slide.

    Practice Run


    Cropped image to give sense of moving forward. The reason I like the

    photo is having the desert all around, and then in the background the

    snow covered mountains. It was somewhat windy in the morning when

    this was taken, as you can see the biker has a jacket on.

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