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Image Comments posted by rich_plecker

  1. Great shot. My son does this kind of stuff and I would love to capture him doing it before he breaks his neck :-)


    I have almost the same setup: F100 w/MB15 Nikon AFS 17-35mm; SB 28. You used rear curtain sync? How did you get the panning type blur? (by panning too?) Any suggestions/hints appreciated



  2. Not bad for a first try, especially with indoor light, though it looks like you had some flash involved. Regarding the model; nice smile, but try to get them to look into the camera, or look profound; she looks like she was distracted the moment you tripped the shutter. Next time, stear clear of the busy background; simple=better. Always, always try to get the flash off camera; get it above, and try to bounce it into or off from something; also consider a reflector of some sort; it will leave less burn marks. Finally, many women seem to not enjoy sideways pictures involving their arms. This angle seems to make them (the arms) look bigger than they are. Different pose angles can be used to minimize, which seems to be what everyone wants.


    Good luck, and burn lots of film.


    Responding, because not too many people here take the time to respond.

  3. A picture I shot on vacation in Maui January 2001. I'm having

    trouble with vacation pictures: I'm torn between the wife's need for

    lots of vacation snapshots (print film), and my desire for great

    photos (usually meaning slides). How does one take great photos that

    happen to be of vacation? Any good ideas for fulfilling both needs

    (not two cameras)?

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