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Posts posted by evan_litvin2

  1. Hello, I am considering purchasing a Nikon 24- 85 f/2.8 - 4.0 D lens. Does anyone have any experience

    with it? I searched and I couldn't find a review of it. I am trying to find a lens that will serve as a good "all

    around" zoom. I travel a lot, and I'm tired of hauling a bag full of primes around. This seems to be just

    what I'm looking for. I haven't heard anything about it so I'd appreciate it if someone could fill me in!

    Thanks -Evan

  2. Hey Thanks everyone, I think this is the vote of confidence that I needed.


    Also, this is my only photo.net user name and the reason I ask "what would you do?"

    questions on the forum is because I almost always get good, well thought out responses

    from people with more experience than I. Anyway, I think keeping the M6 is the right move to

    make... -Evan

  3. Hello, I have an M6ttl (.58) and a 50 cron (4th gen). I've had both for about a month. I love

    the combo. I love the feel of the camera and the way it functions. However, there is a

    distinct possibility that I overspent what i can actually afford. I am considering switching

    bodies to a voightlander for the time being until I am able to really afford the body that I

    have. Part of me is thinking that I should just deal with it and hold onto the camera and

    the other part of me says get rid of it for now and pocket the 800 difference between the

    M6ttl and a voightlander. BTW I should probably add that I am a college art student. I

    bought the Leica gear with my own money, I am only now starting to feel the effects of

    how much I actually spent now that I am financially planning for my spring semester. The

    argument inside my head is that if I sell the M6 and have the extra cash, I will probably

    spend it on frivolous things (college student do that?? no way haha).


    Also, which Voightlander model should I look into to as a match for my 50 cron?


    Right now I'm just considering my options. I am leaning more towards keeping the M6 but

    I'd love to hear any input or advice from the rest of you. With the cost of Leica gear I know

    for a fact I'm not the only person who has been conflicted by the "money Vs. sweet

    camera" situation. Thanks! -Evan

  4. Wow!!! Thanks everyone for the responses... I think there is some very useful info mixed in

    with the posts in this thread. Also I just wanted to say that I am really convinced now of

    how great of a resource that this forum is. I bought my entire system ( body + lens)

    through the classified section and I have received as much Leica info as I could possibly

    handle. Now, that I am all squared away gear wise, I will finally be able to go out and shoot

    and (temporarilly) forget about this terribly addictive forum!


    I may tape up my M6ttl like HCB did with his M bodies, but I think that would be just to

    protect it from minor scratches while I scrounge in the meantime for enough money to buy

    a Luigi's half case or something similar. Like many of you have suggested I am going to

    see about adding my Leica gear to an insurance policy. I think it is very true that most

    people especially street theives etc. wouldn't know the value of my Leica gear anyway.

    Although, I am a college student, and I would be more worried about a lot of the people

    around me at school than random people on the street.


    Anway, thanks again for the responses....



  5. Ok so first off, I finally have my M system somewhat in line. I'm using an M6ttl and a 50 cron.

    I just got the lens 2 days ago. I was out shooting yesterday when I started wondering about

    the security issues with carrying a camera/ lens system valued at almost 2000 bucks alone. I

    read something earlier about "how to keep you M safe" but that involved covering the camera

    in electrical tape etc. Has anyone had problems with people trying to steal it from you? What

    is the best way to prevent this from happening? Thanks

  6. Hello, I'm looking at what is described as a "6 element" version 35 f/2 cron made my Leitz in

    Wetzler. Supposedly most of this generation was made in Canada, except this one was made

    in Germany. I just don't know which generation and how old it is. Also, the s/n is 2329***. If

    anyone knows what gen this lens actually is, any thoughts about it, good things...bad

    things... Thanks everyone...

  7. Hello, I've posted several questions on this forum over the course of the last few months

    and I have received many sincere and informative replies. I appreciate that very much.

    After drooling over these cameras and reading the postings in this forum for the last year,

    I finally bought one. A few days ago I purchased an M6ttl .58. I couldn't be happier. Except

    for the fact that I haven't purchased a lens yet! I am a college student, so I have a limited

    budget...(I sold basically every bit of gear that I had in order to afford this system.) That's

    ok though, because I was honestly tired of carrying around a huge backpack full of Nikon

    gear including multiple bodies and lenses, and I decided it was time to try something new

    (and simple). I am going back and forth between the 35 and 50mm focal lengths. I am

    most likely going to go with a 'cron. how do the 'crons do in low light as opposed to the

    'lux lenses? That being said, if you were in my situation, and you could only purchase one

    lens in the immediate future, which lens would you choose and what generation would it

    be? Thanks for the help everyone...Evan

  8. I have been reading some older postings that touch on this debate between the two

    lenses. I read that some people don't like the "clinical clarity" of the newer 35 asph 'cron

    and that it lacks the "signature" of the older pre-ash 35 'cron. What does that mean? I'm

    not going to lie, I am a total newbie. I'm trying to put a system together and I have decided

    on two things for sure based on what I have read in the forum and some very helpful

    people I've spoken too: M6ttl and the 90 f.2.8 elmarit. I am stuck on the 35 cron and the

    50 cron, as to which I would need more. And even more specifically the difference between

    the 35 crons. I am leaning towards the 35, and I'm just curious about the differences

    between the asph and the pre-asph. Without getting too technical (in english) what is an a

    asph lens element? Opinions/ Idea's/ Recommendations wanted!


    P.S. I will stop posting so many newbie questions once I get my system in order and I can

    actually go out and shoot with it; so thanks in advance to everyone for the helpful advice

    in the meantime!



  9. I will be getting a Leica system fairly soon and the thought occurred to me: Is the darkroom

    equipment that I use going to be good enough to fully show the potential of the Leica gear

    Im using? Im just worried that the lenses on the Besseler enlargers at the darkroom I use

    won't translate the negatives onto the paper at the highest level. Feedback/ suggestions?

  10. Hello, I already posted a WTB ad for an M6ttl. I was hoping for some advice/ hints/ tips as to

    things to look for in buying one secondhand. Any defects to look for? Anthing to stay away

    from? This is my first Leica, I have been strictly using Nikon SLR's and DSLR's up until now.

    Also, what is the difference between the viewfinder that doesn't have as much glare and the

    older one (besides the obvious)? Is that something I absolutely need? Thanks!


  11. Well the reason I am considering moving towards Leica M is because I don't shoot

    professionally, I shoot for my enjoyment and for classes. Photography is one of my core

    concentrations of my major and it is basically all B&W darkroom work. Which I have come

    to really enjoy. It forces me to step backwards and really think about the process. The

    D100 is a lot of fun and ultra practical (aside from the weight of the gear), but I don't do

    any professional journalistic work with it. I find that the work I am using it for is not my

    more artistic work, its just basic stuff that I shoot for fun. I think there are some digitals

    on the market right now that would serve this purpose very well for me...ie something I

    can take with my climbing/snowboarding etc. and not have to overly worry about while

    still getting decent quality work out of it. Unfortunately, I couldnt afford to keep it if I want

    to upgrade. The 800 bucks from the D100 is a good portion of what I would put towards

    the new system. One thing that I like about the Leica M6ttl (which is the one I am looking

    at) is most likely not going to depreciate in value to the extent that the D100 has. I don't

    have the money to keep pumping into the newest DSLR's yet in the same regard I can't

    afford to let the 2000 paid for my D100 go to nothing when I could put it towards

    something new and salvage some of the initial investment.

  12. Hi Stuart,

    Do you have any recommendations as to where to look for the M6 or M6ttl? I'd like to spend

    as close to 1000 as possible. Do you know of any stores in the Boulder/ Denver area that sell

    used Leica? Last year surprisingly, Mikes had a great deal on a used late model M6 classic, I

    think it was like 900.00. I really want the ttl though, I plan on doing some flash work with it.

    (speaking of which how are the Leica flashes? I know someone who uses Metz with their

    Leicas. Thanks


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