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Posts posted by roger_shrader

  1. Bret,


    All I can say is this, don't be afraid to carry more than just one lens with you. I carry my gear in a Nature Trekker AW. A 500C/M. 50mm, 80mm and 150mm along with 2 film backs, a PM90 prism, all the hoods, filters, a light meter, extension tubes, and film...I am probably forgetting something. Oh yeah, the tripod is attached to the side of the bag (a must for shooting landscape with a MF SLR). I also bought the daypack to attach to the front of the bag so I can carry some extra clothing and snacks.


    O>K., I agree, that is alot to haul, but I have never been without something. There is nothing worse than being four miles into the mountains and wishing you had the lens you left at home, or wishing you could change lenses period. Also, the more often I carry it, it "lighter" it gets.


    I don't know, there are really good reasons to buy either alternative. I would like to have a GSW690III as well, but I can't fit it in my camera bag...

  2. What did a D30 cost brand new a few years ago? They are going on auction for around $400. That is a pretty big loss in value,or not?


    I think I would be alot more concerned if you were buying a 110, APS or disc film camera (or even, gasp, a D30). The only one of those that you probably cannot buy any longer is disc film. I also doubt too few manufacturers are still producing new 127 or 110 film based cameras, but you can buy film for them and it is really not that expensive.

  3. I have read this on a few different pages, but it always seems to result in a different answer. It would seem, however, that despite the positive outlook of some, that Kyocera has ceased production of Contax cameras. There is supposedly a great of deal of new equipment left and a new US distributor, which I find to be quite confusing. Did the old distributor jump ship upon hearing of the end of production and the new one come along only to sell the remaining supplies?


    I have thought about buying a G camera for the last few years, but I kept waiting for a new one (G3?), but it never happened. Now, I seriously don't think it will ever happen. Perhaps I will wait for G system prices to bottom out and then buy one?

  4. The newer FLE version has the extra FLE focus ring located toward the front element of the barrel. If you go to a webaite such as keh.com, you can find pictures of both lenses. I have the FLE version and I have found it to be an exceptional lens. I have not used the non-FLE version. Check the archives to read comparisons of the two lenses.
  5. Marti,


    I too have an eye disorder that can be a major difficulty when trying to focus (I have keratoconus). I have done three things to help alleviate some of my issues.


    Firat, I have no idea what model Hasselblad you are using, but if it has an older screen, replace it with a newer Acute Matte D screen. This made a major difference for me.


    Secondly, due to the nature of my condition, I am now required to wear RGP contact lenses. If you are having difficulties, perhaps you will need to be fitted for contacts? If that is out of the question, then, yes, take your camera to your eye doctor and get them to figure out what diopter you will need to properly focus your camera.


    Third, even with contacts, I find focussing with the WLF finder to be near impossible unless I always check my focus with magniying pop up thingy. A prism has solved that issue.

  6. Hasselblad has a great pdf file on their site that will give you a great deal of information on close up photography with the V system (http://www.hasselbladusa.com/Archive/documents/Downloads_files/Information/Closeup.pdf).


    The really nice thing abou the chart is that it provides numbers for your maximum and minimum field width. For a fly measuring an inch long, you would probably need at least a 56mm tube, if not a 56 and 32mm (this combination would get you pretty close to a 1:1 ratio) or 56 and 16mm combined. The chart also provides exposure compensation values for single tube usage. Values for stacked tubes would need to be calculated.

  7. You had a hard time trading in your R4? Try trading in a Canon D30 in a few years. I bet that your R4 has retained its value better than the D30.


    "Digital development isn't "here" in its present state forever; it is still evolving. We're sorta where Polaroid was in 1955 when everybody was predicting the demise of film then too!"


    And in what sort of financial situation did we find Polaroid a few years back? Was that the pinnacle of Polaroid's evolution?


    Every camera company in the world is going to eventually push its digital products over film based products and try to convince us that we "need" digital cameras. Why? Because they know of the current insatiability for technology and instant gratification that is running rampant in our modern societies. Oh yeah, and they make alot more money doing so.


    How many people sold Canon 10D cameras to buy a 20D? Don't tell me that Canon doesn't know that people will do this. They are probably sitting on the technology to release a camera far beyond the next three models that they will release. But, why do they wait? Because people will gladly pay for all of the mediocre "improvements" in between. The camera companies will slowly let the advancements hit the market, dragging a trail of digital carnage behind them. Better!! Better!! Better!!


    New film camera models used to hit the market at a much slower rate than digital cameras (EOS 1 to EOS 1n to EOS 1V or F4 to F5 to F6). How much time has elapsed between the D30, D60, 10D and 20D? or the 1D, 1DS, 1DS mkII?). Yeah, stop selling film cameras, and convince people that they need a better camera every year. That is business at its finest. Argue if you'd like, but you know its happening.


    Man, I love conspiracy theories. Nonetheless, I still believe that the majority of people making the switch in the amateur/hobbyist arena are doing so due to brilliant "pressure laden" advertising and the proliferation of whimsical urban legends, such as "film is dead".

  8. If you cut the clips off of your Hasselblad strap, you can use virtually any strap you want. Seriously, I had an old, nasty Hasselblad strap, so I cut it apart and put the clips on a nice OP TECH USA strap. It makes for a very comfortable set-up.


    I bought a new Hasselblad strap later. Fashion before function, I always say (note sarchasm). No, really, I did buy a new Hasselblad strap.

  9. Oh yeah, one more thing, select "match whole word only", or you will get tons of other entires on 150mm, 250mm, etc. Also, right click and open the thread you want to read in a new window, this will keep your search in the same location on the page.
  10. Yeah the search function is a little less useful, but here is a fix.


    Go to this forum, "Medium Format", scroll down to "Older Questions by Category" at the bottom of the page and select the "Hasselblad" category.


    Then, select "edit" on your browser toolbar, and use "find on page" or "find(on this page)". Enter what you would like, such as "50mm" and it will search for that phrase in all 2385 Hasselblad entries. This should give you quite a bit to read. Granted, this will only give you entries where the phrase appears in the title of the thread, but it works pretty well


    This assumes that you are using some sort of Microsoft browser. This function may not be available on other browsers, but maybe it is.

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