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Image Comments posted by madeofstorm_


    You have a very funny model here (you could experiment a lot of things with such a model), the photo made me smile :) I also like the lighting, but i think you should be more careful. I feel a need of more space . I`m waiting to see more shots :) Good luck.
  1. My vision is a bit more simple. No murder :) He`s exhausted because he works all day to be able to give her the good life and she doesn`t appreciate it and always dreams for more, instead of realizing she`s got everything :)
  2. There`s strength in his look, it`s suggesting me to leave, like i wouldn`t want to know what is going on there, in that darkness he just came out of, and in which he will go back in once i left. I got to this thought also because of the rough noise, it may be a bit too much, but i like it either way.
  3. It feels like she is afraid to reveal something in herself, her eyes talk... at first i thought the white was too white, but it contrasts nicely with the black, which is too black :) It's probably on purpouse, but welcome in this photo, helps the atmosphere. I like it.


    Very nice contrast between the b/w of snow and darkness and the wonderful sky. Beautiful shades of orange and red, i like it, must have been exciting to be there :)
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